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RE: SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

in #life7 years ago

1 million much money would that have made on steemit?


I just told her to get on Steemit as "flagpeegirl"... will see if she does it ;)

This is the funniest comment by far xD

Stop using the dollar

we need to organize and get on the same page all this energy is going no where...

volunteerism, create agoras, use grey market

Man if half of this energy was put toward taking down the FED we would be free to piss on whatever we want.

If she got a million views, wonder what this monkey got?

37¢.. Much better than a million views

An example of degradation))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

1 million views equals approx $1000 right?

Putting the 'capitalism' in 'anarcho-capitalism' :)

"Capitalism" is still Debt-Money slavery. Americans fought to free themselves of the machinations of the Bank of England...(remnants of that struggle can still be found in Britain's parliamentary record) was called "taxation without representation" - and it wasn't just a lousy tea tax, boys and girls....

Wall Street Capitalism fueled the Bolshevik Revolution, two world wars and every war since;

So the 'Anarcho-capitalist' moniker is perhaps an ideology, Anarko-Capitalism is still Capitalism; disorder out of chaos...the Capitalist system is designed to fail after Banksters buy up the entire country as collateral on the Full Faith and Credit of the American People, (article IV section I).

Civil war will be the result...because people like the CANADIAN Berwick run away to their tropical havens...talking shit about people they don't even know...

Need I say, the American form of Government, (the Constitution), was designed for a self-governing people....that power was ceded thanks to Bankster Politicians, not because of some flaw in the Declaration of Independence/ Constitution/Bill of Rights...not because people are brainwashed....we've been disabused or our Founding...

Anarcho-capitalism will also prove to be just another virulent form of SOCIAL DARWISIM... another chapter in the long story of Arrested Development. Whose dream is a dream of sunshine and lollipops.

Socialist/Communism is no different; it is the promise of 'Workers Paradise' when it is REALLY Banker's Paradise - capitalists who end up owning all natural resources AND the means of production while hiding behind totalitarian governments that oversee the equal distribution of poverty....and human degradation.

With or without Government, desperate people will always resort to FORCE...

The America of today certainly is not the America of 1776. It is lorded over by a cadre of megalomaniac politicians who use Government to advance Empire for the sake of Central Bank Capitalism.

I just wish we could find it within ourselves not to stand on high horses and piss on Americans as a people....we are under assault, God damn it: Government schools, Media, Hollywood, Corporatist ethics, not to mention a medical tyranny...

We do nothing to stop the deliberate destruction of an idea *that was not even tried' by denigrating the victims of the Capitalist, Socialist, Communist trifecta.

...and all Ideology for that matter...

ROFL @ Anarcho Capitalism!!

Enough to offset the impact of the strong possibility that she got canned over it.

THIS ^^^

you can make a second try

he have steem power... lol