Be Unique, Be OriginalsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

imageI just watched a PJ Masks episode where Amaya - a superhero wih amazing owl powers- developed a deep admiration for another superheroe -Flussy Flash- from a comic book.
Amayahad completely different powers from Flussy Flash yet she repeatedly tried to be Flussy Flash. Needless to say she failed completely and put their mission in jeopardy.
However, once she stopped trying to be someone else, the mission was completed successfully.

Now I know life is no cartoon but how many times have we failed because we tried to become our role models. Granted they have amazing abilities that you admire but remember the reason you admire them is because they developed themselves. The forged their own paths, braved the journey, took the good with the bad and made the best of everything thereby becoming the people you admire now.
What am saying is let otbers inspire you, not to stop being you, but to be the best version of yourself that you can be...

Grow daily, work hard, value your skill set and improve on your natural abilities...
Finally remember the words of Ellie Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent"....

So by all means, be yourself, be unique, be original....