JUST GIVE IT TIME.every trial counts.
Sober reflections often shows us how wrong we have acted or could have done something much better and often you might think life is against you especially when you are failing or have failed at something. Its good when you see the ugly side of your beauty but never let it break you down because indeed you are beautiful.. You are God's handiwork. Our imperfections as human is unavoidable.
To fail at something is part of life...great men and woman in this world all have a story about how terrible they failed at something before but rose to face that task.
Men are touched when we cry, but our emotional sentiments doesn't give us what we want
Encourage yourself to do more when your are complimented and determine to build a better you when you are criticized; don't let criticism and wrong comments cage you ..It's time to rise up!!
Desire to move higher but never try to compete with someone; because you might hurt yourself and never heal. Remember #life is not a competition but a race , each of us has to run against TIME. So waste no time over 'unimportant issues' and be determined...Just take time, look from the point you failed and rebuild what ever you were doing.
It took some great inventors (if not all) several trials to come out with some of the things we know and use today... And they are saluted for that. They failed many times but they tried the more. So you allow yourself to FAIL more in secret and FAIL worse in public and let people laugh at you but keep on keeping on until you achieve
...and #YesYouCan

The person who knows you very well and can understand you best is you. YOU CAN DO IT!!!.. The world needs your help and ideas, your family do and your friends also.
I don't know you but I believe in you.
@essel writes.
This counselling is deep, it's not over until you throw the towel... nice piece@essel
Very inspirational