First Day at the New Job Went Well...

in #life6 months ago

At the bagel shop, I learned quite a bit about what I need to do but since It's my first day in training I still need some time to get the ropes. The guy training me had been with the company for five years, so I was fortunate this time, unlike my time at Wendy's when I was in my early twenties. He talked pretty low and it was a bit hard to talk to him, but we could handle that relatively quickly. The manager was not training me, but instead the baker.

It was honestly NOT a bad job at all. I was moving all over the place like a chicken with its head cut off, but once I got into the groove I zoned into what I needed to do. I did make a few mistakes—just some newbie jitters. Yet, I'm looking forward to working tomorrow.

We'll see how well tomorrow is—I KNOW I'll have to do more tomorrow.