Need a Laugh? You Might Be a Homesteader If...

in #life7 years ago


You might be a Homesteader if...

  1. You collect and save up Mason jars for everything from canning to dry food storage to feeders for the chickens!!!
  2. People always ask you ‘did you grow this yourself?’
  3. Your answer to number 2 is always ‘Yep’
  4. You have a dehydrator, grain mill, feed blenders, flour sifters and a food processor with everything from a meat grinder attachment to a pasta maker.
  5. You are more prepared than FEMA for a disaster
  6. You buy everything in bulk
  7. You have to sweep and mop the floor several times daily because of the mud and manure that your hubby and kids track into the house.
  8. You shop at Antique stores for tools that you actually use.
  9. When your friends visit and comment on your ‘antiques’ you enjoy telling them how you actually make use of them
  10. Store bought veggies and fruit taste bland/gross to you
  11. Eating out is a treat and doesn’t happen very often
  12. The animal you are eating for dinner has a name
  13. You never actually use your dryer but hang your clothes outside
  14. You have more livestock and homesteading books than your local library
  15. You see something in the store and you try to figure out how you can make it yourself
  16. Your birthday wish list comes from the Farm Supply Store
  17. You head to the barn to get your breakfast
  18. Everything on your plate at any given meal is from your farm
  19. You own several pairs of overalls - patched ones at that!
  20. You are hardworking, love country living and being self sufficient!!!!

My hats off to all the homesteaders out there who are pioneers in their own right. Please comment below with your own - ‘you might be a homesteader if...’