3 Most Important Questions to ask yourself I Live the Life you want

in #life7 years ago (edited)

#Dream #Believe #Act #Achieve

Hello, dear everyone! Today I would like to talk about #dream, but more about how to make sure it is the right one and the one you really mean and want and will be happy to achieve.

I believe there is no right and just one way of setting the goal because so many factors influence and each person is so unique, so it is hard to develop the tool, so everyone is happy and know what they want. This is what I used to believe until I saw a video of Vishen Lakhiani (who happened to me by CEO in couple of years after I found out this video)

Vishen Lakhiani will take you through the Three Most Important Question exercise

Once I saw this video and his logic it all made so much sense and somehow life became easier.

I am sharing my 3 MIQ, which is not perfect and i keep updating it with each semester/quarter, but this are the things that make me wake up with a big smile, big but good fear and excitement.

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I wish I knew this tool when I was younger, I could have spent my school years better but it is better later than never.

So I like this tool so much that I started teaching it more and more people and couple of months back I had a big pleasure of chairing the AIESEC national conference in Shanghai, China, where I took 200+ Chinese youth through this dreaming process and trust me they were blown away of what they actually want to do with their life.

The Chinese Youth is going through the 3MIQs exercise at the National AIESEC conference

I would love to invite you to try it ours as well ;).

PS: share with me if it was useful, once you did the exercise
PPS: thanks for reading and your likes and comments


Everyone must go through this exercise! #priceless

Thank you for getting vulnerable and share your dreams with us. How did it make you feel when you did the exercise yourself?

Also, do you want to have help in learning german? Didn't know that is on your list even. ;-)