I Really Dislike My (Easy) Job

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Bored at Work

Article #15, Published June 20, 2017 by Elijah Wasson

A quote for the read:

"Happiness does not come from doing easy work but from the afterglow of satisfaction that comes after the achievement of a difficult task that demanded our best."
— Theodore Isaac Rubin

A very good quote, I must say...

As my very first official job ever, I work as kind of a cleanup/helper in a health club for seniors. The club includes a fitness gym, physical therapy, and massages. My job is to mainly stand at a desk in the gym for anyone who needs my help with machines, fitness classes, etc. I also have to go around and collect laundry, including towels and bed sheets from the physical therapy sessions. In the beginning of my shift, I wipe down and clean the all of the exercise equipment.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining about having to do all those simple jobs -- I’m complaining about having to be inside in the ice-cold air conditioning all day being bored of my mind most of the time. I stand there so long just waiting for laundry to get done that, even though I already did all of my assigned cleaning duties, I end up just making rounds and cleaning all of the equipment again and again.


And this is exactly true for me.

Fortunately, I am allowed to use my laptop while I stand at the desk, so I don't go completely insane. Occasionally I will write a Steemit post or do some research on the stock market, but other than that, one eventually runs out of things to do on the internet.

In summary, I have worked long days out in the summer heat and very much enjoy that over being inside in the air conditioning folding laundry.

User Profile

I'm a 16-year-old junior in high school. I've figured out that Steemit is a great way to express my feelings about certain topics and get paid for it! I like to start all my articles with a quote to get the reader to understand the 'feeling' of the article before they start reading it.

See more of my posts here!


I don't know many people who actually LIKED their first job. I was a waitress and I HATED it. But the worst job I ever had was being a cashier at Toys R Us during the Christmas season. I lasted about 3 weeks then quit.

Well written, relatable and readable! Thanks for the great post! Keep uploading awesome content.

I will trade you places! I HATE the summer heat. I work outside ten hours a day and it sucks. If you have the time and the laptop, read Steemit posts, find new authors to follow, and engage in conversations. If you build a following you will likely see higher payouts on posts. This new Hardfork 19 change has drastically increased payouts, but we will see what the long-term effects are. You could also read about cryptocurrencies and alt coins and decide if you want to invest in them... just saying :)

Yeah this Hardfork 19 thing seems too good to be true. Payouts are going to be much larger, like this post, but how will it impact Steemit long-term?

I don't suspect the big payouts to continue. Since they drain your voting power much faster, people will just scale down their voting power accordingly. (Using the voting power "slider".)