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RE: Deprogramming From Parasitic Manipulation

in #life6 years ago

A lot of truth in these words... though I'm not sure what was meant by "odd formatting of writing", this piece seemed to flow coherently enough to me :P

There really is no better word than "parasite" to describe those who presume to rule the world. It pains me to consider the progress humanity could have made if our productivity, our very life force was not continually siphoned away only to be turned and used against us. You've aptly described how obtuse is our vision and how delusion is our closest neighbor.

Beginning at infancy, we've been taught that blind obedience equates to goodness. In the Prussian schooling system, on which all modern public education programs are based, the notion is reinforced whether by punishing dissent or by rewarding compliance - always exalting the State as the benevolent parent. This conditioning instills an ever lasting child-like mentality that persists well into adulthood and it causes us to crave authority because, like children we can't imagine life without our parents. What a sad state of affairs it is when humans never realize their full potentialities; when they don't even have a desire to.

But how do the aware among us propagate? I believe it was Mark Twain who observed that it's easier to fool a man than to convince him he's been fooled. What would the denizens of Plato's cave think if one of the shadows on the wall began spouting crazy tales of three dimensional beings?

So far, I've found nothing better than by modelling integrity through your own personality; by treating human beings as if they were actual human beings - autonomous entities bearing full agency and worthy of respect. When people see the goodness of human nature in you, they instinctively know it to be true, because they are reminded of its existence within themselves. You provide stark contrast to the lies they've been fed - that people are nothing more than depraved barbarians, ever descending into chaos if left to their own devices. But of course, you have to believe all of this to be true for yourself first. If you can't love yourself, you can't love anyone else, either. I know how corny and clichéd this is about to sound, but... maybe love is all it takes?