The first one is: Put first things first.
Now if I were to ask you, "What are the most important things to you?" The most common answers I would get would be either your wellbeing, or your relationships-your family, your spouse, your children. You would never ever say, "Organizing papers or watching TV..." But how many of us spend more time organizing papers and watching TV, than planning our nutrition and going to the gym, or cultivating a healthy family environment? There's a horrible disconnect between what we say and how we actually allocate our time.

Habit number two: Think win-win.
Now Imagine you're a blogger and I'm a blogger. And we both write an interesting post, and we both have access to an audience of about a 100,000 people. I read your post and I love it. So I decide to share it with my audience. And as a result, you now have 1,000s of people reading your post and reading your ideas. You see this and think, "Who is this guy? Let me take a look at his posts." You start reading my posts and think I have ideas that are valuable. So you decide to share with your audience. And as a result, I now have 1,000s of people reading my posts. And reading my ideas.
Notice how different this is from my creating a little creepy blog account, and leaving a bad review, hoping that this will deter a few people from reading your post, which will in turn somehow get them to read my posts.

Habit number three:
This is something I try to use every single day, seek first to understand, then to be understood. Stop thinking of everything as a zero-sum game. For you to win, another does not have to lose. Something I want my readers to do is to follow
@eggcasual, but you will never hear me say, "Well I worked really hard guys. I dedicated so many hours to this. Please Follow" Look, who cares if I worked hard? Who cares if I've spent days creating this post. The real questions are, does it offer value to you? And why you should dedicate your time to following when you could be doing anything else that you want?

Habit number four:
Synergize. Now imagine there are two people, and a tree with five apples on it. They are both too short to reach the apples, but if one of them sits on the other's shoulders, he can reach all five apples. This is called synergy. "The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." You should always be looking for opportunities to create synergy. With every synergistic opportunity you create, you can gather many more apples than you otherwise would by yourself.

This is the last cat picture, I swear~
Post inspired by @kaylinart - She is awesome!
Truth. Thanks for sharing this interesting post, @eggcasual! Upvoted & Followed.