A day in the life of a designer...

This morning was a rough one for me, and I’m not sure the barista at my office has enough coffee to keep me going today. Late nights, early mornings, all a part of my typical day. I love my job. Seeing my work displayed across the nation is pretty freaking cool.
6:00am: my day always starts the same: adding ten extra minutes to my alarm, that ends up me just checking Facebook, Instagram and emails. Roll out of bed, makeup, hair, get dressed. I have a pretty relaxing half hour drive to work, which I take it all in.
7:45am: arriving at work starts with checking the 45 emails in my inbox, writing out my projects for the day, ordering my large coffee, popping in my headphones, and getting to work.

Projects listed for the day.
9:00am: we have a daily standup to report the projects the team is attempting to tackle for the day. As easy as it is to “plan” my day, it never happens this way. 4 or 5 other urgent things pop up, that move everything else to the side. Days seem to fly by though. Especially when I’m having fun.
10:30am: AIGA webinar on creative growth and development.
12:30pm: time for a fast lunch break before a 1:00 marketing brief.
1:00pm: meeting time! Client is on a conference call, and we go over the concept from start to finish. After the call, the team starts sketching new ideas that came from the meeting. We may have a little conflict at times, but we eventually move toward a final decision for presentation.
3:00pm: *fire drill time* so..... where I work, the CEO is all about culture and fun. When a fire drill is coming, we all pop out of our desk and do a line dance. Biker shuffle, cha-cha slide, etc... kinda makes you forget about the stress, and you end up having a smile on your face. Back to work...
5:00pm: how is it already 5:00?! Time to head to my 5:15 workout. (Huge stress reliever)
6:30pm: heading back to work for a photo shoot and editing. This gets to be fun. I love taking pictures.
8:00pm: ends with checking more emails after I get home. Starting some new projects, designs, creating emails, or grabbing my sketch book and draw/write some ideas for tomorrow’s projects.
I love being a designer. Brainstorming, concepting, being creative. It’s all very rewarding. I work with and for some pretty great people. Don’t forget: “if you love what you do, you’ll never have to work a day in your life”. Happy Thursday, friends!
Fantastic article! Keep them coming!