I just lost my job and these are the reasons why I am not sorry (Amsterdam, I am coming!)

in #life8 years ago

Does anyone else consider his boss a pathological liar? This one has a suitcase full of false promises about better working conditions and raising salaries. Honestly, I was satisfied with my salary, I have some other sources for making money, I am active on many different fields! So, today I had to shake hands with that boss - for good! I am very glad not to work for him anymore! He is involved with some shady business and that is not good for the school principal. But this post is not about him - it is about me!

I am construction engineer and when I finished my college, I started to work and had few disappointments. Maybe I was just a good student but bad engineer. But I was trying and had few bosses of which one was a drunker, one was a cheater and one was something like a slave master. The last one still owes me three monthly salaries. It is very bad situation in my country to get a decent job. There are much better conditions for physical workers than for educated ones. So, educated people are intensively leaving Croatia, and one day there will not be any doctors, lawyers, architects or scientists here! 

But I was great as a teacher! 

Kids love me because I am not traditional and conventional math teacher! They listen to me and they understand me better than other teachers. I improved their knowledge and I am proud of it! So, why did I lose my job? My boss told me the reasons which I am considering false reasons, because I know why I actually got fired!

False reasons for losing my job

So, the principal (my boss) told me that I can't work in his school anymore because, as an engineer, I have not education for teaching, but I have extra course for teachers. The law says that I can work only in schools for construction technicians. But this law is in effect for two years and nobody told me that I could lose my job because of it! 

And he told me that he wants older teacher for those kids because he claims that math can not be learned through fun! 

True reasons for losing my job

In this system, someone is bothered by the fact that young people really know math. 

Maybe I should give more bad grades or be unfair to kids, I don't know, they have really shown great knowledge and in other subjects where math knowledge is necessary. 

And why would anyone hire a rapper as a teacher? 

Yes, I have this band for sixteen years, we act revolutionary, sometimes ruthless, rough and vulgar! But I've lived this "double life" and nobody cared. We just released our new album and it is quiet successful in it's start, but maybe some parents, or other teachers heard a wrong song from the album? I will never know and I don't care! It is over now!

The reasons why I am not sorry

First of all, I am very resourceful man and I can find a new job easily. I can work many different things with my brain or my hands, I feel no shame for working things that are below my education. It is very hard in Croatia to get a normal job, but I am type of person that can knock on hundred doors in a day and I am very communicative. There is always smile on my face and bad things just can not kill my spirit! 

Second, I will have more free time next few weeks, so I can devote myself to studying about cryptocurrencies, I really see future in this and I have some savings which I can invest, but I have to be careful about that. So I read on Steemit many posts about trading and mining. I must educate myself more and I appreciate any advice I can get from more experienced people.

Third, my album is out, I need to promote it. I will have more time for concerts and hanging with my band. I am music producer for sixteen years and I have a lot of experience with digital audio workstations (DAW) and audio equipment. I have a lot of components and equipment for music recording and producing and I consider to open my own recording studio, so I can work what I really love the rest of my life. But I must make good business and financial plan. I will post more details about it on Steemit very soon. 

Fourth, I can escape from this country and find my future somewhere else, as many young people did. I am adjustable, learning fast and If I was smarter, I would do that many years ago. I really love my country, but, one day, if I will have my own children, I don't want them to grow in this chaos. Any job offers from foreign countries are welcomed. 

Fifth, I still can try to find an extremely rich businesswoman and merry her, so I can be a househusband and invest my knowledge and experience in raising the children and do some hard housework. 

Sixth, now I can go to Amsterdam on Steemfest to get wasted with my brothers minnows! First I have to allocate the money and do some calculations so I can make that happen! If I get new job, I will tell my boss straight away that I must be free from November 10th till November 15th. So, I will probably come! Sparingly, but I will!


I will have a nice white widow joint for you when you arrive

I have a pretty good feeling about how you will feel then hehe

Awesome, I support you on your journey. Love the determination you have to get there. See you in Amsterdam my steemian brother.

Have fun in Amsterdam. With so many options you should have a great perspective and maybe all 6 of them come together - you get a job offered in Amsterdam, you learn about cryptocurrency there, you promote your album, you can leave your country because you have a new job and you meet your new rich woman businesswoman wife and plus sixth get wasted.....

Fifth, I still can try to find an extremely rich businesswoman and merry her, so I can be a househusband and invest my knowledge and experience in raising the children and do some hard housework.

I hope that was a joke!

I am a Nurse, I was a Paramedic but wanted to travel. Now I can sometimes find a job in many places except The United States. The US exists in isolation and prevents outsiders (Aliens) from taking America jobs.

Now there was a nursing shortage years ago, but today non-employment is over 20 % so they simply prevent outsiders from legally working in America. Note I said Non-Employment, non-employment are people who could work but cannot find work for some time. These Citizens are simply removed from the government statistics to make the unemployment figures look at 9 % or whatever the officials want them to read / be reported.

The only things that matter about finding work is a bit like Steemit, there are three things to doing a job or career KNOWLEDGE, SKILLS and ATTITUDE. On Steemit you must have an upbeat attitude. If your morning drive time radio host comes on the airwaves and complains, they will not do it again. Their job is to FAKE IT, to be happy ; upbeat and entertaining.

Remember their pet rock might have just died, but they must be alive, exciting and considerate to their audience. Like any want to be person you need to learn to fake it till you make it ! ! !

So holding a job or career is about knowledge, skills and attitude, but reality says 80% of anything is attitude. You must be respectful, compliant, diligent and understand that you cannot choke the living **it out of AHoles who desperately need it.

Understand it is not your self appointed place in life to help Mother Nature remove vermin from the human gene pool. Yes you would be doing society a favour, but that is not your role . . .

Your role is to do what you need to do for your own happiness and success, usually and sometimes you will even be allowed to be ethical and moral in all your dealings. However often you will need to distort the truth and not reveal all the facts. Just understand that you generally have three things, your health, your self respect and your word of honour.

After that everything is about convincing others you have the perfect attitude, with a professional attitude I almost always can find work where and when I want it; except when scumbags rig the system against me . . .

So FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT ! ! ! = positive attitude, if you need to be negative complain to a stranger on the street to let off frustration but never to anyone around your professional image...

One door closes and another one opens. If you need any help getting to SteemFest, please consider commenting on my SteemFest Dreamers post

I will probably travel with my car - from Croatia to Amsterdam, because I must make this a road trip adventure. I will post the map of my journey for few days, so if anyone on my way wants of me to pick him/her, I will help!

I am sorry to hear that Bro
Take Care

I only just read that now !

See you at the Steemfest !

I think you should try and somehow make things work for you in Šibenik.

High five! And see you there!

You sound like a resourceful person who will always land on their feet. Anold english saying goes something like this "When one door closes, another door opens" ..all the best @dumar022