Top Tips Thursday (Tips on how to keep a journal)
The tips I am about to give you will help you create a story that will capture your reader. You will also have a general layout to use.
Today's topic: Tips on how to keep a journal
Today's tips are:
After going through many different websites looking through tips and advice I have found some really great ones that I will share with you.
We are all really busy and we might think "where am I going to find the time to do this" Many people say if you want to do something, do it first thing in the morning. This way the rest of your day does not get in the way of it.
Tip 1: The moment you wake up take a few minutes to get out your notebook and write.
Tip 2: Do not try writing pages and pages of things, jotting down a couple of thoughts and feelings or an experience or 2 is perfect. It does not have to be long.
Tip 3: If you struggle with writing, this will be one of the best ways to get over it. If you don't know what to write about, write that you have nothing to write about today and close the journal. When looking back you will notice how this changes and how your writing everyday improves. This is so you keep consistency and never lose the habit.
You know who you are and what is the best way to form a new habit.
Tip 4: Make it a habit, structure and consistency is key to success!
Tip 5: If you have always struggled doing things daily, then don't force it. Start of small, maybe a journal entry once a month or even once week. Once you have set the habit you can increase the amount of times you write in your journal and it will not be so hard.
Just on a little side note for self improvement. I will be doing pushups, situps and squats for the amount of $$$ (ratio;$1:1) I earn on this post and will give a short feedback every day at the end of each post. This will be split in equally between all 3. Any not done will carry onto the next day.

Team South Africa banner designed by @bearone
Good job good tips
Thanks for sharing
Let me resteem your post
Thank you @dragonslayer109
Journal... I can't allow anybody to have so much private information about me :D It would look like madman
Well don't put things on that are way to personal
@dragonslayer109 - Fantastic tips - coming from a master. I especially like Tip 4. I have always found that, if there is even a small gap, I feel lethargic and stuck when it comes to writing anything. I am not a blogger by habit. I write a few lines because my chain of thought runs as I look at my photos while I am sorting or storing them. Your tip will help me to make it a regular effort
The visual images in your blog are very nice and make an impact. Even the banner for team South Africa looks great. Kudos to @bearone for that.

Keeping it going is what helps keeping everything going. :)
Good post. I like reading tips every once in a while to remind me about important things in life.
Your tip #4 can be complemented with BJ Fogg readings about tiny habits.
I'm calling it early morning "Freewriting." - I started doing it (again) a few months ago, maybe just a little bit different than you described it.
So, my way...
I set up a timer for 10 minutes and start to write whatever is going through my mind. So, it's usually not some nice and easy to follow or even less meaningful story, but it's fun. I have a notebook for this Freewriting and I do it by hand, not on my PC and without the keyboard. Handwriting has an additional good impact on all of this (as far as I know.)
Anyways, I write down anything that crosses my mind at that moment. Sometimes it's even: "Why I'm doing this?"
The next one might be because of the noisy distraction from the outside, like: "Stupid motorcycle went down the street crazy loud."
Then something totally different goes through my mind, like: "OMG, I'm jotting here, losing my time and I still don't know what I'm going to cook today!"
And another one from nowhere would hit, like: "Why my daughter yesterday told me this and that, in fact?" - And so on and so forth.
However, your post just opened my eyes as I apparently have the problem with consistency. Went to check (as I write the date of writing in my notebook as well), and I just realized I haven't been doing it for last 2 months.
Therefore, thank you for reminding me to start again (for I don't know which time over)! 🙂
But it's really a good thing to do, as it somehow frees your mind and as well improves your writing skills although maybe totally unconsciously.
Wow I really like that idea of writing whatever comes to mind. Yes writing things by hand does have it's benefits. A great reminder is always a good thing.
I will take some of these advice into account and put them into practice
Just started following and this was the first post of yours i have read. I look forward to reading more posts from you in the future, especially if they have these type of tips for success.
There is tips every Thursday if you want to check them out.
Nic Post and Every time i see your post, i always feel happy and happy. and I Follow u and U Follow Me
thanks for the entry !