10 Interesting Things I Learned in 2017
“You’re mad. Bonkers. Completely off your head…But I’ll tell you a secret…All the best people are.” –Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland
Lifelong learning begins with curiosity. And curiosity opens rabbit holes before us. Like many of you, when I read or hear about things, I investigate the ones that interest me.
Here are a few interesting things I’ve learned this year. I probably could write a full post on any of them, but I decided to spare you and list them all in one. Here’s hoping that some of these “10 Interesting Things” pique your curiosity also!
10. Nose hair extensions are a thing
Isn’t nose hair a bad thing? Just when I think I understand fashion, I realize I know nothing. Until now, nose hair’s only benefit has been its ability to block a few airborne germs during cold and flu season. That’s not enough reason to let a forest grow. Get a personal trimmer and chop down those logs.
But now we have photographic evidence of models who look like star-nosed moles with eyelashes radiating from their nostrils. I’m not saying this trend will catch on, and hopefully it was just a joke gone wrong, but it’s mildly disturbing that anyone is trying to push this trend.
Cosmopolitan article: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/style-beauty/a12837250/nostril-hair-extensions/
9. Goldfish can trick birds into feeding them
The bird in this video is a cardinal. Some have commented the fish look like hungry baby birds (similar color), so that may have triggered this bird’s instinct to feed these gaping, hungry mouths. Or maybe this behavior has a genetic link with male pattern baldness, since this cardinal is missing a few feathers upstairs.
YouTube video:
8. There’s a woman in England who can scream as loud as an AC/DC concert.
The Guinness World Record for the loudest human scream belongs to Jill Drake from Kent, England. Her scream, which is louder than a jackhammer, measures 129 dBA. That’s about the same level of noise as being at a rock concert. I wonder if she can sing an aria and shatter crystal. (This record has been out there for a while, but I only learned about it this year.)
YouTube video of Jill Drake screaming:
Guinness World Record: http://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/67537-loudest-scream-individual
Human Voice (Discover Magazine): http://discovermagazine.com/2015/sept/20-things-human-voice
7. You shouldn’t shoot at hurricanes
During storm season, a sheriff’s office had to warn people not to shoot into hurricanes. This warning came into response to a joke posting that a Florida man made about holding a hurricane shooting event. But since this happened in Florida, the warning may have been needed anyway. I’m not sure what is more frightening about this story, a storm that can blow a bullet back in your face or someone dumb enough to consider attacking a violent storm with a firearm.
Pasco County (FL) Sheriff's Office.
Police One article: https://www.policeone.com/bizarre/articles/417922006-Fla-sheriffs-office-warns-public-not-to-shoot-at-Hurricane-Irma/
6. You shouldn’t sell things on Facebook
The proof is right here. Enough said.
Source: Facebook via article link below.
Shortlist post: https://www.shortlist.com/news/funny-stupid-news-stories-2017/336312
5. Humans were living in Morocco 300,000 years ago
The origin of our species was thought to have been some 100,000 years later and in East Africa. The journey may have begun in East Africa, but humans apparently walked the earth earlier and hiked further from that cradle than scientists had guessed. With every discovery of early human remains, we learn something new, and this time we learned a lot.
Source: Science.com
Let’s face it: evolutionary anthropologists should use pencils, not pens, to sketch the human evolutionary journey. It’s a map that needs some frequent edits.
Scientific American article: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ancient-fossils-from-morocco-mess-up-modern-human-origins/
4. 10 out of 12 water companies in the United Kingdom still use divination (dowsing for water) to locate pipes underground
Dowsing is the practice of using rods or sticks to find underground water, metals, graves, or lost objects. It is considered a pseudo-science. Though it’s been used for centuries, controlled studies in Britain, Germany, New Zealand, and the United States have proved that dowsing is no more effective than random chance.
Public domain
Why, then, do water companies use it? They claim it works: 10 out of 12 U.K. water companies admitted to using the practice recently. According to an engineer at a water company in the United Kingdom, quoted last month in the Guardian, dowsing works about 80% of the time to find water pipes underground, more effective than some modern methods.
It’s also more successful in studies that do not control to remove other potential indicators of water, such as land surface features. When dowsers walk around with their sticks, they are observing these features also and making inferences based on their experience. When they locate water, their hands may respond (consciously or subconsciously) to those signals in their minds and help make the judgment on location. That probably accounts for the success.
Medium article: https://medium.com/@sallylepage/in-2017-uk-water-companies-still-rely-on-magic-6eb62e036b02
Guardian article: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/nov/22/water-divining-bunk-popular-myths-science-sally-le-page
3. “New money” cryptocurrency investors can send a shitcoin higher than the GDP of many countries
Proof: Monacoin jumped higher than the GDP of Gambia, St Kitts & Nevis, Samoa, and several other countries.
Sources: Coinmarketcap.com (Top); GDP in billions of dollars from Statisticstimes.com/economy/countries-by-projected-gdp.php (Bottom)
2. Scientists can’t turn water into wine, but they can pull water out of air
Scientists at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of California, Berkeley built a solar-powered harvester that can pull 3 quarts (2.8 liters) of water in 12 hours from air that contains 20-30% humidity. Other groups are working on similar projects. This could be a game-changer in arid climates, in parts of the world where clean water is scarce, and for any off-the-grid needs.
And it looks awesome! Source: MIT.edu.
UC Berkeley article: http://news.berkeley.edu/2017/04/13/device-pulls-water-from-dry-air-powered-only-by-the-sun/
1. Love is important
Google has concluded that nine of the Top 10 skills for its employees are soft skills rather than technology skills. For others, it’s all about IQ or EQ (intelligence or emotional intelligence). One of the world’s top entrepreneurs, Alibaba founder Jack Ma, added that Love Quotient (LQ) is what separates the best people in the age of technology. What is LQ? Compassion. In essence, it’s the humanity that machines are lacking.
Love is all we need? Maybe not quite, but it’s very important!
Washington Post article on Google’s findings about its employees: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/answer-sheet/wp/2017/12/20/the-surprising-thing-google-learned-about-its-employees-and-what-it-means-for-todays-students/?utm_term=.13f1c2599ecf
Inc. Magazine article on Jack Ma: https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/1-rare-trait-that-actually-trumps-iq-emotional-intelligence-says-billionaire-jack-ma.html
Top image of rabbit hole: Creative Commons via Flickr.com by Valerie Hinojosa.
Wow. Thanks for this.
Nose hair extensions?
Nose hair extension ....
its not a Planet, its a Plane, the Earth is Flat
Now everything makes sense :O
Hahaha! I was scrolling through this post thinking exactly this!
Plane-et earth.
I recorded this for you specifically DP. Alx.
Ha Ha, it's from Ukraine got talent
Oh my goodness, the temptation to throw up my 1 cent vote to at least get above spam. So sad to feel trapped way down low under spam. It hurts my spambition. Alx
Listened to it and enjoyed. Left a comment on your post.
Thanks again. I don’t mind votes at all, but words are where the progress comes from. Interaction.
wow great collection of interesting events around the world! Thank you @donkeypong.
Crypto had a big boost this year and it will continue next year
Nose hair models is number 1, definitely
It's a very nice post to read from top to bottom. -Hilarious and educational at the same time. Good work!
Interesting review, but it is not very clear why these are the 10 points.
@donkeypong - Wow - a great collection of some quirky things. Nose hair extenders????? Whatever will they come up with next in fashion!!
i also like the shooting at a hurricane and using divination to locate water pipes!! Wonder if I can use some such thing to locate my car keys :)
LOL. Thanks for making me laugh. You made my day. Upvoted full.

Lifelong learning begins with curiosity. And curiosity opens rabbit holes before us. Like many of you, when I read or hear about things, I investigate the ones that interest me.
Great idea. Next time I lose my keys or phone, I'm going to pull out a couple of sticks and try my luck that way.
I have a silly idea for keys. Which I guess I can just talk about because this is a distributed blockchain lol. The idea is simply to hide an airbag about the size of a softball when inflated, inside a keychain that's no bigger than a large tums. One which remains tiny all the time, unless it's actually submerged for more than three seconds, at which point, it pops open using a tiny co2 charge, and makes sure you don't lose the keys to your yacht at least. I'm so close to getting to 420 ideas and publishing. Each idea is supposed to have a little narrative. With this one it's super easy. Alx
This sounds like a great idea to me.
There are sites like "Quirky" in which you can post an idea like this. When you submit the idea it creates a community wide brainstorm. You, and other people, can submit ideas for how it would work. If there are enough votes, or the company decides it seems like a good idea, they make it a reality. Pretty cool way to do it and get paid, if you don't want (or can't) to do all the work yourself. Give us a link and I'll check it out too. (By the way, I'd add a GPS tracker to the device idea. Then, it not only floats, but you can track it with a smart phone.)
Isn't quirky kinda dead? I liked the idea, but we need a Quirky that is truly of for and by the people, and also, they didn't get too many good or great ideas there years ago when I last looked.
That's probably exactly halfway down my list of "ideas" that I'm planning to publish in a children's book, the core of which, is "A Story", that goes viral, and ends up actually "Being The Thing", which finally facilitates egalitarian "City-Zen Sourcing" [say "CryptoQuirk"], and changes EVERYTHING. Thanks though. I do think it could work. If only more people could afford boats lol
Thank you for sharing the best posts of 2017 among us, giving us the opportunity to see them
Hahaha. Or perhaps -
Get a trained police dog and make him smell all keys. Give distinctive smells to each key by rubbing them on ham, chicken, cabbage etc.
Get married to a very organized lady who will track and control everything (Warning: Has major side effects)
Carry a big 'Key carrier' hitched on to the belt (like some Indian women carry, hitched on to the waistline of their garments and attach elastic strings to keys
Keep everything always unlocked - who cares about keys! (Warning: Has dangerous side effects and won't work for car keys)
Hahahah. This is fun. You have a great quirky outlook on things @donkeypong. Respect.

I like it! Subscription!
You lost me at nose hairs,,, yeesh. /-:
i know right? never knew that existed till now!!!