The Saint who cut his penis!

in #life7 years ago

There is no doubt that every man wants a big penis - no matter whichever culture he is part of. However, there were cultures throughout the history where sexual desires were looked down upon and thought to be the work of Satan. Growing up in a conservative society, I have seen sexuality as a forbidden subject to discuss, yet everyone was obsessed about that and want to express it in one way or the other.

Some miles away from my village, there was a small town where people use to come to pay a visit to a shrine. That place was famous due to a person who cut his penis due to fear of committing adultery. In his youth, he died of this act and without any other credentials - was declared to be a saint. People from the nearby areas started visiting his grave in massive numbers. One of his relatives saw that as a business opportunity and set up an annual event in honor of him.

Now, once a year that small town is full of tourists who not only give a massive amount of donation but also take advantage of the prostitutes - brought there to make extra money.