19 things of which you should think

in #life9 years ago
  1. Leave off smoking.

    "If you could see me now, I would fall by the poor, creaking knees and have asked to think at least of leaving off smoking" — one of users writes. Is not present, however, it expensively, unpleasantly smells and with a 100% guarantee will cause problems with health. Perhaps it is already time to cease?
  2. Support (or restore) good relations with parents, brothers and sisters.

    Even if you consider that you have very difficult relations with a family and sometimes you hate each other — it is necessary to learn to get on with relatives. Family bonds are very important. Shortly you will understand that it and is the most real wealth.
  3. Use sunblock cream.

    You want a wrinkle, the dry, shelled and thin skin, bruises nearly from any touch? Then go to the beach and enjoy the sun without protective cream.
  4. Play sports. It is really important.

    Lead active lifestyle now, then you will be rather active and in 50. Don't gain weight. Do physical exercises. You hold an organism and a body is normal.
  5. Begin to save money. Even if it turns out to leave absolutely slightly.

    Yes, it is boring, banal and uninteresting council, but it is the truth it is necessary. In 30 years the person almost always has a little money which can be kept. Begin to save now - and over time it will turn out to make from this quite good accumulation.
  6. Learn to be content with what you have.

    Much bigger value, than glory or success is lucky enough. Instead of claims learn to rejoice to what you have, and you will feel rather happy person.
  7. Don't postpone achievement of the vital purposes for later.

    You want to purchase the house? To write the book? To get an academic degree or second higher education? To change career? To master a new musical instrument? To start business and to work for itself? Then begin today. You do not say that you will return to it sometime. Time is valid as if accelerates after 30.
  8. Get enough sleep.

    You sleep enough. You lay down and get up at the same time. Get rid of sleeplessness.
  9. Care for the teeth.

    With age problems with teeth becomes only more. Treatment takes away more and more time and money. Therefore it isn't necessary to delay treatment until intervention of the doctor becomes just necessary.
  10. You save memoirs, but not things.

    You are your life experience. It is very sad to wake up in 50 and to understand that, except material benefits, you haven't saved up anything. Memoirs can't be thrown out, and they will never depreciate.
  11. Learn to give.

    Make kind acts. Give others what brings them joy. But do it with soul and from the heart. Don't wait for anything in exchange. Then your heart will be filled with love.
  12. Be curious. Do every day something that frightens you.

    Leave the house and make something mad. Be got involved in the real adventure! Take a lot of picture, take someone from relatives. These memoirs will heat you and in old age.
  13. Stop to eat mucks.

    For all the life you can earn some money and spend them for anything. But to buy health it won't turn out. Refuse fast food, alcohol and other rubbish better right now.
  14. Read at least 10 books a year.

    Your brain needs to develop all the time therefore stop to spend plenty of time for the TV and video games and read the good book.
  15. Travel. It is as much as possible.

    Travel change us. They answer us many questions. They inspire. They force to cease to be afraid. Travel is that thing which will help you to feel live.
  16. Learn to meditate.

    It will take not enough time, and changes in your life will be surprising. Also there is a set of scientific researches which confirm it.
  17. Be yourself. Stop to compare yourself to someone.

    Believe when to you is 50, to you it will be perfect all the same what impression you make on people around. Begin the way. Become strong.
  18. Keep the diary.

    You will forget the majority of your precious memories. Write down them. And surely keep photos.
  19. Protect the friends.

    You hold people who help you to feel better which throw down you a challenge the example which really are pleasant to you. Laugh together with them. Be engaged in nonsenses. Enjoy life.

Thanks for attention. Be happy every day friends! like +


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