How to Raise Free-Range Human Beings

When a man is denied the right to live the life he believes in, he has no choice but to become an outlaw.
― Nelson Mandela
Some of the most ignorant people in the society today think that quitting their jobs means choosing to become unproductive and lazy all day. And that success is all about money and accumulating material wealth. That kind of sheep thinking is only the result of the societal conditioning and brainwashing of the system. Did you know that growing your own food, having a fish pond, planting vegetables, permaculture farming or being an 'entrepreneur' are the real hard work. It is requires thinking, dedication, time management + serious physical work, probably more rewarding compared to just sitting and thinking all day while making the already rich richer.
Is this just some kind of a mad person's modest dream? In a world of greedy bankers, deceitful and self-serving politicians, ignorant tribalists and daily environmental destruction, this is just a simple ideal that deserves to come true.
Being independent and a thinking human being is possible. It requires the courage to live without having to participate in the 'soft slavery', human exploitation and environmental destruction. The courage to let go of the illusion of success, freedom, safety, and security. If these are not just an illusion then how come there are still many depressed people, broken families and unfulfilled lives in this world? People who are devoid of meaning and are only waiting for death. It is because they have never felt it necessary to go out of their so-called safety zone. They have never felt the urge to make their own choices. They were taught that life is meant to be lived in a cage of predetermined patterns.
Sure, it is nice to have a well-paid 9-5 job, a mansion and other trappings of material wealth. But the real wealth are healthy food, clean air, and water. Not piling a lot of worthless paper and dying with it in a box. Not dying in the pluffy clouds of convenience. What good is your wealth if you are dying of heart attack anyway? The world does not need more whiny snowflakes. The world needs more courageous trailblazers willing to stretch their comfort zones. The world needs more people who think that having courage is more important than remaining comfortable.
Are you worried about not having food to eat after quitting your job? Maybe it is time to 'really work' then. It is time to get some real-world skills. You would spend your days outside, tending your garden or farm, doing some hobbies, learning valuable skills, taking care of your fellow free-range animals and spending time with your loved ones. Human beings need some fresh air and sunlight too. They cannot be stuck in an enclosure until old age. They need to live their lives as early as now in order to produce free-range human beings too.
It is not just a dream to really live a meaningful life. It is possible to live an independent life and 'make the earth great again'. So let go of that rockstar complex brought about by the modern society and its unhealthy conditioning. Let go of that notion of 'safety and security' brought to you by the land of stolen lands fortified with manmade walls and imaginary lines. Healthy guilt and self-reflection are all necessary in order to make the change and live in harmony with other free-range human beings.
just give us all a passport or have none at all. :)
Yes - you’re right ... this steemit curation lark isn’t a proper job - I must stopwith these annoying upvotes😜 Actually today I did try to start coding again for the first time in about a year....but I think the jury’s out on whether I’ll be able to hack it😂
Quit your jobs! Except Steemit job of course lol. One can farm and still blog about it. Did you know that nature and technology can coexist? 😊
Good to know that ... thanks!😆. I’ll try to juggle them...😎
This is easily my favourite post so far today. I really appreciate the fact that I'm not the only one who recognizes our right to sovereignty. There seems to be a lot of these stories being shared on Steemit :D So happy about that!! Thanks for sharing~ and really, without a planet we literally would have nothing. It's time we step up and see that it provides, as long as we respect and take care of it.. Tend the garden, so to speak!
I think Steemit is a good community to find like-minded and free individuals.
verrrry much so! love it!
I love it. Well said @diabolika.
My family is the crazy one for trying to get out of this slavery system, the system of security and safety that is just a big lie anyway. Really what security does our job give us? One day you have it and one day you may lose it. What really is our safety? It doesn't exist, since one day you may have everything and the next day you may lose everything and this is what we are slaving for and being unhappy doing what the society is telling us and we dont' even have nothing to say about it.
Like you said, if people are so happy and loving their lives, which they all say they do, then why is everyone so stressed and depressed and has no time for anything or anyone. If you are living just for safety and security then you are not living, you are surviving and this is not what we are here for.
What happened to the good old days, where people were not stressed, they had time for each other, they were healthy, they were HAPPY and they enjoyed their lives and they could afford and take care of 10 kids?
If you are not doing what you love and enjoy, you are not living.
We have to wake up and take care of our bodies, which is the most important thing in the world, because we only have one of those and it doesn't matter how hard you worked and how much you achieved and how much money you have at the end, because if you are sick or dying, all of this does not matter at the end. Your health is your wealth so take care of it by being the free-range human beings, like you said.
We need the sun, we need to be in nature, we need to rest, we need to eat right and give our body the right tools.
Thank you for this great post, I really enjoyed it.
Very true words!
Thank you for reading.
Your on a roll at the moment. From my last comment I continue. My job is good but its what I want to set up in (the free version) so I view the next few years as gaining the experience I need to achieve my dream plus pay of my debts and fund the set up of my project. On the side I am planting an learning about permaculture all in preparation.
Where as many might say I am just delaying it and maybe their right. I am building my knowledge so I can be free. Also by paying off my debt I can slip out of the system more easily when the time comes. I see this period of my life as the gathering period and then next it the setup and I can't wait 💯🐒
Cool it is better to take is slowly but surely I guess. I'm the same and hopefully, I could make everything happen in 3 years!
I'm sure you will! Mine is a ten year plan but I have a few little project before that ! 💯🐒
Although, living like a king doesn't sound too bad either, regardless of how much money is buried / burned with me in my box!
Either way, living to someone else's standards are not a goal of mine. I choose to walk (and pave) my own path. As it seems that you do as well ☺️
I was watching a documentary about Native Americans and how the US Government murdered so many of them and stole their lands.. this post reminds me of that.. especially considering how native Americans live off the land and in harmony with nature. While "modern" man just kills and steals and takes and we wonder why the world is so messed up...
Life style near to nature always fascinate me, it make you calm and due to lot of hard work it make you healthy. Fear of
no earning without job, and pressure of society and family forced you to abstain from quitting your job. I think it's easily to decide if no one depends upon you, but it's difficult if some one or family depends upon you. what do you say. keep sharing @diabolika
True. It is possible but it is more difficult if you have a family.
And that is exactly who you are and what you're doing.
One thing I’d like to add is that this message can be applied to anyone. You don’t have to be a nomad living off the land to live a simple life. For average people like me you can avoid/payoff debt, buy a good used car, buy used clothes and not eat out much. I think it all depends on your personality and life style.
I definitely agree!
That's an awesome pic and you have quite the eye for great shots!
You've cheered me up once again oh evil one and taken the edge of the snow and ice...Bloody free range igloos:D
I love those igloos!