Friends and Enemies

in #life6 years ago


I must admit that my life has not been without enemies. But I don't just make enemies out of boredom and high drama of life, most of the time, they used to be just friends. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer as they say. And they are mostly due to work or business. Partly because, I kind of pose a threat sometimes, an I-don't-give-a-shit face first impression, an introverted woman who does her thing alone. I learned a lot in the corporate slavery back in the day, I know how harsh that environment can be for thinking loners unless you are an unfeeling pyscho just like the rest of the employees and bosses.

Let's face the reality, shall we? People's self-absorbed lives revolve mainly around money. When it comes to getting ahead, climbing the corporate ladder, making more than enough, your friends or colleagues can turn out to be downright competitive. Personal relationships can be at stake which is not a surprise in business. One of the reasons I left my corporate job years ago is that it's a cold and empty place full of pyschos. It's hard to tell who my real friends are in that world.

As I make my way into the business world, I am slowly realizing my own mistakes. I do fuck up sometimes. And I fuck up big time. If you can remember, I wrote that I used to have a friend who was supposedly a potential business partner or contractor. Then things had gone totally wrong between us despite all the warnings of friends out there, to never mix romantic relationship and business. At the time, I was mad as hell and utterly vindictive. Confused and alone. Then my mother passed away. It was difficult for me to face it all at the same time. Weeks ago, I came back to the island to get my feet back on the ground. It was not easy but slowly I was feeling better. Just as things are getting right and just as I'm getting my full energy back, I heard that the used-to-be-friend is now spreading shit about me and my startup. When things got personal, we kind of hurt each other in the past. Yesterday, another friend called and was warning or threatening me about his friend's ability to badmouth me to my business partners or destroy my reputation totally. I know I am an outsider here and locals can be more hostile to the city people, probably because we know their shit better. They are extra nice to foreigners for they think they are walking goldmines carrying precious currencies. They don't know the local people's shit yet so they are easily tricked. Tell me about the ways in this part of the world, and probably out there too.

Surely, I can own up to my shit and mistakes in the past, just one person you used to trust can ruin things for you. But it does not mean I will be stunned and scared that easily now. Enemies and rivalries are quite expected in business. I haven't even started yet but some people already know what I'm about to launch. Their role is to bring you down. This is a small town and everyone knows each other. Though not everyone for sure, most of the locals think that you are just another competitor. They can be quite narrow-minded at times for this is the only life they have only been accustomed to. It is difficult enough for me to be patient and deal with their old-fashioned ways, tardiness, slacking, unreliability and unprofessionalism.

I know the reality of what I have been doing, and it is hard for me to be friends with someone. I even have to keep my allies at arm's length. I offer various adventures, experiences, and tours, expertly designed for international clients. I don't sell air so I would prefer few quality travelers than a cattle boat. Since I offer a mix of services, I cannot just stick to one contractor. But here, they still think that you have to be loyal with one and not support the other. I just cannot afford to be that way so personal relationships with those you do business with will be difficult, unless people are open and understanding enough. The people here are just not. When you are introducing something new, there's the learning curve you have to deal with too. Anyway, I will only work with those who can give me and my clients the best possible benefit. And knowing the local people's ways and mentality, it would be best for me to have several reliable contractors who can provide quality services. As I wrote in the past, the most challenging part for me is to build good relationships with those I do business with. I find myself feeling down again lately but I have to overcome overthinking and anxiety in order to progress. I got the full secret recipe to be something different from my past travel and work experiences, those are the things that I strongly on to and would not divulge to the big dogs out there looking to prey on the nice people. However, we all know that knowledge and experiences enough will not matter if you don't have persistence and determination. I need to stay focused and strong while facing the challenges that may arise along the way. I've come this far. The key is not to give up.

I don't need everyone, I only need the right people. Now I only have to prove myself and that can only be done through results, by bringing sales to people's table, by showing them the money. No explanations. People will treat you with respect. I just know what people here are hungry for, other people's words would not matter in the end. That's the name of the game in this rat-eat-rat part of the world. Honestly, it does suck. It sucks to be on constant high alert for disappointment and to sleep with one eye open. But if you can make money for them, then you can give them better lives and make anything possible. For what its worth, I just need to make it right. Just this time, please be right.


"I heard that the used-to-be-friend is now spreading shit about me and my startup." That is fucked up. I have had some falling outs and had some stuff happen as a result too so I can identify with the situation.

Yeah I know it sucks but those who do that intentionally are the who will look bad, what does it say about them. I will probably not work with those who listen to hearsay.

You do not need to have millions of friends to feel happy many times you have a lot of good friends you think you have them in the end they are just some

When you are older you will realize this

Man. Whatever happened to, “if you succeed we all succeed”? Not the case I find it more and more. I’ve learned two things… Never work with friends and never work with family! Everyone else you can say “screw off!” little bit harder with your friends or family and A hell of a lot more drama.

Never work with friends and never work with family!

So true.

I've seen this thing coming.

we all know that knowledge and experiences enough will not matter if you don't have persistence and determination.

So true. You have to be persistent and have firm determination in order to get the result. @diabolika

Very beautiful picture really very beautiful girl Anti
Friends are something important in life and can not be dispensed with
But the enemies are disgusting
He does not like us good

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What can I say an interesting post for a beautiful picture and a very inter-view view of the sea and a motorcycle