Life mistakes

in #life7 years ago

Home Lifestyle making mistaken in life you do not need to make and how to fix them if you do making mistakes in life you do not need to make and how to fix them if you do one of the beniefit of watching they years go past in your life is the ability to back and see where you screwed up if you look back often enagh with discerning eye and an open hear you can often self correct along the way or at the very least you can learn from you r screw ups and become a bit wiser stronger in other are s of you life you probably know from you are own life experiences that mistakes are pain full but very use full wys of learning however the are some life mistakes that if avoided in the first place will save you a whole load of hertache and misdirctio these are the mistakes that stem from a lack of knowledge in frequent self reflection or little solid emotion guidance as you grow and enter aulthood these are the mistakes that can stick with you for a life time if someone or something dose not gently or often abrupt help you self corerct alathou gn im sharing the are these mistakes with you and some ideas on how to fix them i haven t been immune from them in fact i vemade every single one of these mistakes and i can probdliyclaim that now in mid life am biginin to make dent in few of them she are they are mistakes in life you do not wont to make mistakes losing sight of what make you happy