Dream of Afternoon: Red Car and Beautiful Lady

in #life6 years ago

At noon I do not usually sleep at home, maybe this is caused during this time I stay up to watch the world cup russia 2018. My sleep was irregular, so I often experience sleepy during the day.

Dikala siang aku tidak seperti biasanya tidur dirumah, mungkin ini diakibatkan selama ini aku bergadang menonton piala dunia rusia 2018. Tidur ku pun tak teratur hingga aku sering memgalami ngantuk diwaktu siang.

I try to see Television while lying on the sofa, without me noticing this eye is closed itself and Television was in its own flame without any care about it.

Aku coba melihat Televisi sembari rebahan di atas sofa, tanpa kusadari mata ini tertutup sendiri dan Televisi pun di nyala sendiri tanpa ada peduli dengan nya.

Unusually, in the nap I dreamed of buying a red car, but do not know what they are, Toyota, Mitsubishi, Honda, Suzuki and others. I think I can bring the car, but in the real world the battery can not bring the car.

Tak biasanya, di tidur siang itu aku bermimpi membeli mobil warna merah, namun tidak tau mereka apa mobil itu, Toyota, Mitshubisi, Honda, Suzuki dan lain-lain. Aku rasa aku bisa membawa mobil itu, namun di dunia nyata aki belum bisa membawa mobil.

I was alone while walking the afternoon, arrived at a place so beautiful I tried to park the red car, me and the red car enjoy the beauty of nature is very cool.

Aku menyendari sembari jalan-jalan sore, tiba disebuah tempat begitu indah aku coba memarkirkan mobil berwarna merah itu, aku dan mobil merah menikmati keindahan alam yang sangat sejuk.

Without me realizing there was a beautiful woman approached me, then he bertaham, Bang Mul still familiar with Tina (a pseudonym). I was surprised, then I asked Tina Mana yes, old school friends first banh, "he said.

Tanpa ku sadari ada seorang wanita cantik menghampiriku, lalu dia bertanyak, Bang Mul masih kenal dengan Tina (nama samaran). Aku pun terkejut, lalu ku tanya Tina Mana ya, kawan SD dulu banh," Katanya.

Suddenly I was startled by the ringing of my handphone, now. break up the dream to meet a beautiful girl and become a rich man for a moment. But the dream guy said it's a sleeping flower. But what is the meaning of the dream I do not know.

Tiba-tiba aku terkejut suara dering handphone ku, putus lah sudah mimpi ketemu cewek cantik dan menjadi orang kaya sesaat. Tapi kata orang mimpi itu bunga tidur. Namun apa arti mimpi itu saya tidak tau.

The point in the dream is to meet a beautiful woman and have a red car ,,, though I like blue and black.

Intinya dalam mimpi itu, bertemu wanita cantik dan memiliki mobil merah,,,.meskipun aku suka warna biru dan hitam.