Little update on me and my life

in #life7 years ago

An updated picture of me. I finally colored my hair. you cant tell but its bright purple on top and dark purple on the bottom.

So, after my grandma passed like 2 weeks ago, I kinda got into a bit of a slump in all manner if things. for like a week, i didn't get out of bed or anything. My body always ached and my head always hurt... Just felt like utter shit. This kinda has to do with my depression I posted about before. Sometimes I just go so inward I feel like I may just disappear. I end up completely isolating myself, which isn't healthy i know but people are super draining sometimes, and I need time to be in my own head.

Any way, other than moping around and having no inspiration for anything, I have been trying to get up an do stuff. Once I was finally able to get out of my funk, I started cleaning and cooking more again. A couple days ago I made some of the best scratch biscuits and gravy I've made in a long time, maybe Ill post the recipe for yall. yesterday I went food shopping and got some stuff I needed . you know like shampoo , face cream, deodorant, etc. And I got to see my mom which I haven't seen her since my gram's funeral, it was really helpful to me mentally . I don't care how old you are you will always want your mom when things get dark lol

Other than that I have just been binge watching some tv shows.. watched and finished true blood, Started watching Oz, and of course I have been keeping up with game of thrones. if anyone has suggestions for things I should watch tell me cause I am getting pretty bored lol. Also been playing some video games, been playing path of exile since the new expansion came out, played some grim dawn, and bully. If anyone has gme suggestions I am open to those as well. Any ways thats kinda what's been new with me. The only other new thing is waiting for fall to get here and maybe looking for another job.. I love steemit, but it doesnt make ends meet at all. And I want to be able to move into y own place before next summer, and with just writing on here ad such I don't really see that happening. although things could always change. But if not, I may not be around all the time. If I find a job I will do my best not to let it interfere with things here like hosting the hangout and such. Anyways that's kinda all that's going on with me. what have yall been up to the passed few weeks any plots and plans or things you are doing right now? lemme know in the replies I love hearing from you guys ! Peace y'all !


Sorry to hear about your loss. It is good that you have taken the time to express your feelings about it. When our world changes in dramatic ways like this, we can feel like we are living in a completely different place. Our attention and focus gets lost in trying to re-interpret everything around us. I found it helpful to get back to the most simple tasks in life that never change, as you have done. It helped me to focus on what I needed to do to keep moving forward.

As I've dealt with the loss of each individual in my life, I've often been drawn to the meaning of the phrase 'Time waits for no man'. In our lives day turns to night, fall turns to winter, winter to spring. The years pass without pause and there is little time to dwell on what was. It calls us forward and ever onward, or we are left behind. It is hard to say goodbye to the past, but time doesn't wait for us.

So true sea blue, thanks for your kind words. beautifully said, friend.