Weekly recap #2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Alright, I gave in and am back on Twitter now. Many people asked me why I left as they could not understand it. It seems like deleting the Twitter account is something different than closing down your Facebook profile – at least for people involved in the web dev scene. And I must admit I kinda missed having a Twitter account after a few weeks. After shutting down my Facebook account (which I don't miss) Twitter was my last medium to broadcast stuff I care about or am working on.

One of the reasons to delete the account was that I felt no one cared for that or was interested in it: I missed feedback and discussions. But I quickly learned that most people are just reading passively – not faving or commenting. Some friends and acquaintances even asked if everything is ok; thanks to those of you, as it made me realize that you are actually interested and reach out to take care of the people around you!

Alright, #UIengine wise I am working on the final improvements, but there are also two things I wanted to get into the v1.0 release: Viewports and property extraction. Viewports are done and they are a great feature to work on a responsive site, as you can see the different resolutions all at once.


The screenshot shows the accompanying sample project I also almost finished during this week. It's build with Next.js, React and CSS modules and is a non-trivial sample of how to integrate a pattern library and a real world app. It will also serve as a basis to work on the last missing feature, namely property extraction: The PropTypes defined on the components can be used to automatically generate pieces of the documentation, which is also a feature I am really looking forward to. My plan was to ship during the next week but I guess I will postpone the launch one week to bake everything until it is ready.


On Wednesday evening I went to a Bitcoin/Blockchain meetup here in Bremen. It is nice to see that this scene is growing steadily. Of course it is a small group of people and most of them are more interested in trading than tech, but at least it is a start. And while we are at it: The podcast episode of the week award goes to the SE Daily interview with Jameson Lopp about the Bitcoin Lightning Network. Right now there is not much high-quality content about Lightning networks out there and interviews with @lopp are always worth listening to. I got my Lightning node running but have not funded a channel yet as I am still waiting for a good wallet on iOS.

Alright, what else? The Webinale published the video interview with Jan and me. And we are finally trying to revive the #UIengineering podcats with a third season. We already reached out to some interesting interview guests and are even thinking about extending the content in english.