
Yeap! I Agree, the longer it stays the heavier it gets but people are unique. We don't have the same coping mechanism so I stretched it for a day so others maybe able to relate.

I can do 30minutes or less but depending on the situation. Writing it down is very therapeutic. It can heal you faster than anything. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Really appreciate it.😊

No you can't do it in 30 minutes. Hello! I'm your sister so I know that you do it longer. Hahahahaha

Yes, you are but you are not around every time I'm broken. Same as I cannot assume that you are still the same person as you were before for people's philosophies, perceptions, and all can change in a matter of days. Especially if you are the type of person who travels a lot or if you are too focused on changing yourself.

I am your younger sister yet I don't know your every struggle and how much effort you put in developing yourself. Struggles, difficulties, pain, failures, mistakes, and even self growth can change you in a snap of a finger. Not consistently, but it can. There are changes in people that we cannot see in our naked eyes alone. And it's harder to see if we are too focused of who he or she was before or if we have set of expectations that these are the qualities this person has.

We might not even noticed the changes that our partner have or the changes our family members have even if we stayed with them in the same house every single day.

The only thing that is constant in this world is change. We cannot easily noticed the changes in people around us. We may have ideas but not as in-depth as they can. There are also people who are not able to understand their own changes. They think that they are the same person even if they're not.

People change a little each day, yes that's true. If a person does not observe, they will never notice any change. But for someone who does observe, they notice. It's amazing how people think of themselves as someone else when in reality they are basically just them.

Well, every person see things in different angle😉.