ORIGINALITY IS VALUEsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago


The market place is full of diverse products and services yet lack originality.

The words we read and hear everyday fill our hearts with diverse feelings yer lack originality.

Relationships begin and some end prematurely because mindsets shaped from observing others thus a lack of originality.

Messages from pulpits duplicated from internet thus lacking originality.

So, I stand upon a a shore full of many potentials yet few is tapped because few dare to be original.

Even if you are doing the same thing someone else has done or is doing, do it differently, that's originality.

One bulb was a prototype but no one today knows what it looks like. What we have is a list of improved bulbs all claiming to be original. Do things differently.

Previous inventions are platforms to build on. Do it better. Be original.

Look without for what exists and look within for what should exist. Within you is the best model of what exists outside. Stir it up.

Sit on the seat of wisdom and meditate from the throne of a king to release insightful and impartful piece worthy to be called a master.

You can be what has never been if you dare to be original.

I am original. All others are copied version of me.

#Albert Martins


Yeah! I am original too💝😘

Smiles. Oh yes. It pays

Nice write up Sir. Being original isn't just doing what others had done or doing what you do best but instead, Originality is Unique, Decent and Blossom in its natural nature. Like u said "sit on the sea of wisdom and Maditate from the throne of a king...... This is original.