Working together as a Team is More Effective than Working Personally

in #life6 years ago

Cover Photo
garis 2.png

Greetings My eSteem friends

A. Preliminary

From my place at Aceh The Province Which in the western part Country of the Republic of Indonesia, I wish you all in a good health and keep the spirit to remain creative on #steemit. Steem!! On.

Today I invite all steemfriends to discuss work is done together or Team is more effective than working personally

hari ini saya mengajak steemfriends semua untuk membahas tentang pekerjaan yang dilakukan bersama atau Tim lebih efektif dibandingkan bekerja secara personal.

Thank you to all my friends who still take the time to see the results of my work

Fig. 2 of 5
garis 2.png

Fig. 3 of 5
garis 2.png

B. Description

In the present day is very different from the era before the millennium, before entering the 21st century. the most fundamental difference is time-related. the current time is the most decisive thing in every aspect of the economy, everything is measured by time, how fast you work or how quickly your work can be presented

Di zaman sekarang sangat berbeda dengan zaman sebelum millenium, sebelum memasuki abad ke-21. perbedaan yang paling mendasar adalah hal yang berkaitan dengan waktu. waktu saat ini adalah sesuatu hal yang paling menentukan di setiap aspek perekonomian, segalanya di ukuru dengan waktu, seberapa cepat anda bekerja atau seberapa cepat hasil karya anda dapat anda sajikan

let us see a common thread between Tim and Tim, I take an example of my field of work as a Predictive Maintenance Analysis at a petrochemical company in Indonesia.

Marilah kita melihat sebuah benang merah antara waktu dan Tim, saya mengambil sebuah contoh bidang pekerjaan saya sebagai seorang Analisa Predective Maintenance di Sebuah perusahaan Petrokimia di Indonesia

When I do a spinning test such as a pump or motor drive teamwork is needed at a time like this, why is that so?, obviously when a team is formed then the team can be divided into 3 parts

saat saya melakukan sebuah pemeriksaan peralatan berputar seperti sebuh pompa atau motor penggerak kerja sama dengan tim sangat dibutuhkan pada saat seperti ini, mengapa demikian?, jelas sekali pada saat sebuah tim terbentuk maka tim dapat dibagi menjadi 3 bagian.

First, the Team is formed to carry out perfect data retrieval in the field, with no errors at the time of data retrieval.

Second, a team formed to analyze the results of data measurements comprehensively and systematically with the help of a machine analyzer and computer

Third, the Reporting team, the team in question is the team that summarizes the overall measurement, analysis and conclusions which then become a good report to give to stakeholders.

Pertama, Tim yang dibentuk untuk melaksanakan pengambilan data secara sempurna dilapangan, dengan tidak melakukan kesalahan pada saat pengambilan data.

Kedua, Tim yang dibentuk untuk melakukan analisa hasil pengukuran data secara komprehensif dan sistematis dengan dibantu sebuah machine analyzer dan komputer

Ketiga, tim Pelaporan, tim yang dimaksud adalah tim yang merangkum keseluruhan kegiatan pengukuran, analisa dan kesimpulan yang kemudian mejadi sebuah report yang bagus untuk diberikan kepada stakeholder.

Now let's make the team into a personal person doing all the work from first to third, you can imagine how much effort it takes and how much time it takes.

Sekarang marilah kita jadikan tim tersebut menjadi satu orang personal yang melakukan semua pekerjaan dari pertama sampai dengan yang ketiga, anda dapat membayangkan seberapa besar usaha yang dibutuhkan dan seberapa banyak waktu yang dibutuhkan.

Fig. 4 of 5
garis 2.png

Fig. 5 of 5
garis 2.png

C. The Workmanship Methodology of Photographs

This photo took at noon, time around 12.23 pm -12.40 am using a Canon EOS 550D standard cameras with support manuals with sleeves after a photo was finished hunt then the image editing process I do with computers with several steps:

First, I do a quality picture selection as much as five pieces

Second, light balance settings such as brightness and Contras I using the Snapseed app, as additional notes from me this photo of edited is not redundant because I fear will ruin the beauty of the colours and structure of the original, I still maintain the authenticity of the painting form structure.

Third, I resize by using the paint desktop application so that it becomes to 1-1.5 MB, for upload on #esteem Surfer

D. Detail Setting of Camera

Date taken : Sunday, June 10, 2018
Time : day and Night
Object Add : North Aceh - Indonesia
Climate : Tropical

Camera manufact : Canon
Camera model : EOS 550D
f-stop : f/5.6
Exposure time : 1/80 sec.
ISO Speed : ISO-2500
Exposure bias : 0 step
Focal Length : 55 mm
max aperture : 2
Metering mode : Pattern
Subject distance: 0
Flash mode : No flash,
flash energy :-
35 mm focal lenght

Exposure progr : Landsacape mode
White balance : Auto
Exif version
Image ID : by name
Dimension : 1815 x 1210
width : 1815 pixels
Height : 1210 pixels
Horizon Resolt : 72 dpi
Vertical Resolt : 72 dpi
Bit Dept : 24
Resolut Unit : 2
color represent : sRGB
Edited : Snapseed 2.0

E. The Conclusion

  • Time is a constant variable that continues to move non-stop, so time will not tolerate according to our will, time always leave us if we neglect in managing well.

waktu adalah variable tetap yang terus bergerak tanpa henti, jadi waktu tidak akan memberikan toleransi sesuai dengan kemauan kita, waktu senantiasa meninggalkan kita jika kita lalai dalam memanage dengan baik.

  • This story is a personal experience of the author who is an Inspector Machine, who make a change / transformation of the old method into a method of Active Pro Maintenance which is then applied so that it becomes a maintenance strategy that has been done and has resulted that is decrease maintenance cost and decreases time unscheduled shutdown.

Cerita ini merupakan sebuah pengalaman pribadi penulis yang merupakan seorang Inspector Machine, yang melakukan sebuah perubahan/transformasi dari Metode lama menjadi sebuah metode Pro aktif Maintenance yang kemudian diterapkan sehingga menjadi sebuah strategi maintenance yang telah dikerjakan dan telah memberikan hasil yaitu penurunan cost perawatan dan penurunan waktu unschedule shutdown.

F. Suggestion and Closing

  • Hopeful you enjoy my post, and my photographs result.

This my short explanation about the Working together as a Team is More Effective than Working Personally if there is an error in the writing, I received input from all readers. Thank you for your time to visit my Blog

Best regards

Dedy Rendra

The End

Name : M Dedy Rendra
Nationality: Aceh, Indonesia
Sex : Male
Hobbies : Photography | Traveler|
email : [email protected]

Member in Discord :

  1. eSteem
  2. Discord of NSC


M Dedy Rendra S
Member of Steemit

Disclaimer :

  • The Photographs is mine.

Date of Published : Tuesday, June 12, 2018