I Invite My Steemfriends in Order to Get Used to Living a Healthy Life with Sports on a Regularly

in #life6 years ago

Cover Photo

Greetings My Steemfriends

A. Preliminary

From my place at Aceh The Province Which in the western part Country of the Republic of Indonesia, I wish you all in a good health and keep the spirit to remain creative on #steemit. Steem!! On.

Today is the sunny day in my place, accompanied by the melancholy music sung by Indonesian legendary artist, named Alexa key while hearing a little voice of a birds voice outside the window add to the desire to write, this time I will share a result of my photograph that displays

Thank you to all my friends who still take the time to see the results of my work

Today I invite all steemfriends to see how important exercise is for us an author on steemit.

Writing is a very time-consuming job and thought, why not, we spend countless hours to write and think of a good theme and then written a paragraph that is good to read. imperceptibly time 3-5 hours pass.

Fig. 2 of 5

Fig. 3 of 5

B. Description

While writing, sometimes we chat too fun in discord, telegram, steemchat and other communication chat media, so it's not expected is already a couple of hours we spent time sitting and chatting, is this wrong? No, however, we must maintain a balance between the needs of the body to an already depleted power to recovery for hours.

for example, I write for hours by spending a few cups of coffee and some cigarettes, clearly, this is not good for my health, and I also forgot to drink a few glasses of mineral water.

My best friend, I felt some discomfort in my body due to most of the sitting and facing the computer

I consult with my wife who is a doctor, he gave me a referral so that changing working patterns to write in order to be more effective and healthy. as for how the first sitting and typing is not in excess of two hours, after 2 hours, I was required to move for 10 minutes to allow my blood circulation back smoothly. the second routine doing light exercise 30-45 minutes every day.

Why should I work out every day for 30-45 minutes? This is because When exercising, my body utilizes energy to be able to last a long time. Gymnastics exercises have constant physical movement and rhythmic in accordance with instructions from the gymnastics instructor. Gymnastics exercises regularly can add stamina body by exercising the body become more efficient and use less energy for the same amount of tasks. While the level of my condition improves, heart rate and breathing return to resting levels faster than the heavy activity. With a healthy body also gymnastics returns to normal conditions so that our appetite back as usual, and we can sleep in accordance with the schedule as usual. This will give us freshness at when we awakened from sleep.

I sometimes feel tired easily and less fit? for that I do physical activity gymnastics is excited. This sport has given me a boost of energy with how to give exercise to the body. In addition, healthy gymnastics is also useful to burn excess fat in the body that often cause us easily tired and less vibrant.

Fig. 4 of 5

Fig. 5 of 5

C. The Workmanship Methodology of Photographs

This photo took at morning, time around 07.00 am -08.00 am using a Canon EOS 550D standard cameras with support manuals with sleeves after a photo was finished hunt then the image editing process I do with computers with several steps:

First, I do a quality picture selection as much as five pieces

Second, light balance settings such as brightness and Contras I using the Snapseed app, as additional notes from me this photo of edited is not redundant because I fear will ruin the beauty of the colours and structure of the original, I still maintain the authenticity of the painting form structure.

Third, I resize by using the paint desktop application so that it becomes to 1-1.5 MB, for upload on #esteem Surfer

D. Detail Setting of Camera

Date taken : Sunday, June 10, 2018
Time : 07.00 am - 08.00 am
Object Add : North Aceh - Indonesia
Climate : Tropical

Camera manufact : Canon
Camera model : EOS 550D
f-stop : f/5.6
Exposure time : 1/80 sec.
ISO Speed : ISO-2500
Exposure bias : 0 step
Focal Length : 55 mm
max aperture : 2
Metering mode : Pattern
Subject distance: 0
Flash mode : No flash,
flash energy :-
35 mm focal lenght

Exposure progr : Landsacape mode
White balance : Auto
Exif version
Image ID : by name
Dimension : 1815 x 1210
width : 1815 pixels
Height : 1210 pixels
Horizon Resolt : 72 dpi
Vertical Resolt : 72 dpi
Bit Dept : 24
Resolut Unit : 2
color represent : sRGB
Edited : Snapseed 2.0

E. The Conclusion
The conclusions of the above story is an event a transformation that rely solely on animal instincts, but many of the benefits that we can take, such as?

1. Sitting and typing is not in excess of two hours, after 2 hours, I was required to move for 10 minutes to allow my blood circulation back smoothly

2. Routine doing light exercise 30-45 minutes every day.

3. Come on friends all we get used to living a healthy life so that regrets does not arise in the future because we don't care about our health currently

F. Suggestion and Closing

  • Hopeful you enjoy my post, and my photographs result.

This my short explanation about the Transformation, if there is an error in the writing, I received input from all readers. Thank you for your time to visit my Blog

Best regards

Dedy Rendra

The End

Name : M Dedy Rendra
Nationality: Aceh, Indonesia
Sex : Male
Hobbies : Photography | Traveler|
email : [email protected]

Member in Discord :

  1. eSteem
  2. Discord of NSC


M Dedy Rendra S
Member of Steemit

Disclaimer :

  • The Photographs is mine.

Date of Published : Monday, June 11, 2018


"Men sana in corperasono"

Nice qoutes my friends...

I think the importance of just staying active is often lost in Western society :( Glad to see you're still doing it well overseas though :P

Hey Tom, It is true, some of my friends already ignore the sport, they are preoccupied with routine, I tried to invite them to keep health.