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RE: How I Feel About Marijuana After Trying It!

in #life7 years ago

The case for weed legalization is quite interesting. Weed is one of the most vilified drugs out there, and yet is so weak. People can get addicted to it, but overdosing seems kinda difficult (never heard of any). Also, it seems governments are more interested in prohibiting weed as a way to attack drug cartels' income, not because of our health, but even that reason seems dumb, because prohibition makes the price higher and the quality of the product lower. The impacts of the war on drugs are horrible, and all for trying to regulate what people can and cannot do their own selves. If you look at the big picture, and in relation to the alcohol and tabaco markets, this prohibition policy world wide looks more and more immoral in my opinion.


Overdosing on weed has never been documented. I remember reading something like you'd have to eat 10s of pounds of marijuana to overdose.

People can get addicted to sugar and it can sure kill you slowly but it is far from illegal.

What is it about weed that makes it illegal? Besides disrupting major industries I'd say Terrence McKenna said it best: "Psychedelics are illegal not because a loving government is concerned that you may jump out of a third story window. Psychedelics are illegal because they dissolve opinion structures and culturally laid down models of behaviour and information processing. They open you up to the possibility that everything you know is wrong"

They spent all this time and money indoctrinating you and you think they wanna fuck all that up? Hell nah!