Ways to build confidence

in #life8 years ago


Everyone wants a little more confidence.

Confidence is something I struggled with for a very long time and in recent years I've become quite a confident person.

More recently however, my confidence has taken a bit of hit for a few different reasons, and I am building it back up again.

Over all, I am still confident, but feel that I could use a little bit of a boost.

So today, I'm going to go through 3 things we can do to build confidence.

The first one is doing things you love and lots of them.

When we are doing things we don't like, we are often not very good at them. If that thing is our job then we constantly not feeling great about the work we are doing and sucking at something for 40 hours per week can be a big hit to our confidence.

So, finding things we love is important. Getting better at things that we love can improve our confidence over time.

The second two are things that will take us out of our comfort zone and they are public speaking and if you're a guy, approaching girls during the day or the night, preferably the day, because that takes more balls than doing it at night as there is probably alcohol involved.

Doing both of these things works the same muscle and we get out of our comfort zone massively, in fact, doing anything out of our comfort zone can build confidence, especially if that thing is in public and people are watching/judging.

This weekend I plan on doing some approaches, to build my confidence and hopefully meet some cool girls.

Hope you've enjoyed this post.

Take care and take some action :)
