The importance of winding down, so you don't burn yourself out

in #life8 years ago


I recently decided to take some time out from the business I've been building over the last few months, because I have found the last 2 months extremely challenging.

I flew across the country from Melbourne, back to Perth a few days ago and ever since then I have been taking it really easy.

I have been seeing family and friends and doing a lot of fun things and have been sleeping better and better each night.

I had no idea how wound up my head was...

My mind has definitely been in a confused state for a long time and this time off has been paramount to me moving forwards.

I realised that I burned myself out big time!

Since starting this journey, I have been pushing the limits of my body, both physically, mentally and emotionally, and if there is anything I have learned, it's this...

Make time for all aspects of your life so you are fulfilled in each area.

Neglecting any area of life will cause big problems down the line.

This may not be rocket science, but it's easy to fall into this trap.

Hope you enjoyed this post.

Take Care
