The importance of balance...

in #life8 years ago


There are many important things to be aware of when on the entrepreneurial journey, and I believe the most important thing that anyone must consider when on this journey is the art of managing yourself.

What I mean by this is we must know when to switch on and go hell for leather, but we must also know when to switch off and take time out.

This has been my downfall in recent times and whilst I am on the mend now, I don't want a repeat of the recent past.

I had been so focused on the business and putting so much time, energy and effort into it, and when I wasn't getting the results I was after, my life became less than what I desired.

So, balance is key.. And I don't mean 50% work and 50% play, because that doesn't happen even when we work for other people, but it is important is that we do take time off and make time for the things we love so we can unwind and take our mind off of the business. This reminds us that there is more to life than business and we are experiencing it for ourselves.

I have spoken to many entrepreneurs that have invested so much time into the business only to burn themselves out and have to take time off, which is something we obviously do not want to do.

I felt that I had no choice but to take time off and I am glad I did, but taking 3 weeks off of a new business is a no no. We gotta keep taking action, otherwise we will never get anywhere.

I hope you have enjoyed this post.

If you're on a similar journey, take the time to figure out what will make you happy outside of the business.

Take care
