Cold Showers... benefits?

in #life8 years ago

download.jpgSince getting into personal development, I have heard that taking cold showers has a multitude of benefits.

But what are the benefits and is it really worth our time and effort to bare the cold in the winter or even the summer for that matter?

Personally, I have been taking cold showers for a number of months now with a few days break recently. It's now winter in Australia and damn they are very cold.

Here is a list of some of the benefits and I'm going to outline which ones I believe I have experienced since starting this crazy journey of cold showers.

  1. Fights depression - Depression is something I suffered from for a long time in my late teens to late 20s. It would come and go and now I am happy to say I am no longer depressed. Not as a result of cold showers however. I can neither confirm nor deny this claim.

  2. Burns fat - Cold showers promote brown fat activity as the body has two types of fat, white and brown. White fat accumulates when we don't burn off enough calories. Brown fat is stimulated when we experience extreme cold and keeps our bodies warm. At this point in my life I am not struggling with my weight, so I can neither confirm nor deny this one either.

  3. Increases alertness - This one is obvious. And yes, I can confirm this one is true haha.

  4. Refines hair and skin - I have read on numerous occasions that water that is very hot can damage skin and hair. It makes sense. Hot water can dry out the skin, whilst cold water closes up pores, preventing dirt from getting in.

  5. Speeds up muscle recovery and relieves soreness - This one is true. There have been many times I gave my legs a huge workout at the gym and immersing them in cold or ice water really does make them a lot less sore the next day. Athletes do this often, after training and games.

There are a few more benefits, but overall, I believe I am more alert throughout the day and the cold showers keep me centred to a degree. They are good after workouts, but they are NOT fun!

Proceed with caution.

Take Care
