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RE: Education – How to waste children youth

in #life8 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that there is an agenda to dumb down the kids. Why do we have common core? Did we teach children to solve problems or just to memorize so call facts? No debate on the facts? In California you have to inject your kids with heavy metals that are known neurotoxins. What no debate? You can't even sue the pharmaceuticals directly? Why is the government protecting the pharmaceuticals? Did the politician sell their souls? Who would do such a thing to the children?


Yes @david777111 I agree with you. Last couple of weeks, I have been watching and reading about illuminati, MK-ultra, bunch of videos from Anonymous etc... It all started when I found out that the princess Diana had a birthday and I started doing research about her and several days later I have been watching videos about Hilary Clinton, Rotschilds etc... Crazy stuff happening in the world and I think many of those things might be actually truth (for my own sake I hope not)... Followed you because we share common topics ;)

Thank you @suzzane. I'm following you also. If Hillary Clinton would have become president then we would have had the modern day Jezebel in the White House. When Trump won we have had more pedogate rings of people arrested. Obama hardly had any pedogate type arrests. Obama and Hillary are part of the pedogate activities. They are cause it is part of the satanic agenda. Have you studied the pedogate or what they called the pizzagate things with Podesta? Very sick stuff. Youtube started taking down those videos exposing people into the pedogate activities and suspending youtube accounts of them putting up these videos. Well when they do things like that, then I start to think it is all very true. I think the only way we can get rid of some of these deep state people is to get them for their pedogate activities.

Yes, I found out about the Pizzagate as well. Last couple of week my head is like an air balloon, I have seen so many videos and did really large online research. But now I hope that most of it is not truth, because if it is, we are all fucked! :( I support Anonymous and plan on sharing some of their videos here..;)