I have Skunks! Do I Work With Nature Or Against Nature?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I have had skunks living under my house for awhile now. A pest control place says they will charge $450 an animal to get rid of the skunks. Well that would cost $900 for two skunks.

I think there are at least two skunks living under my house and some more with a burrow under my shed. I would read up about skunks and see if they have value.

I find that they do eat mice and rats. I live between 2 rivers so I do see river rats climbing trees and walking telephone lines.

Also I read that they eat grubs and termites. That is funny. My termite maintenance costs me $400 a year and they come by 4 times a year.

Let me weigh it in the balance. I have at least $900 worth of skunks that I got for free. These skunks check for termites everyday and I pay $400 a year for termite maintenance control and they only show up 4 times a year. Plus the skunks work harder eating also mice, rats, grubs and lizards, and all they want is free rent for all that work.

Maybe I stay with the skunks and drop the termite maintenance.

Actually I did drop the termite maintenance last year about this time.

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Thanks, David
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Well you have skunks, I have raccoons!

They can guzzle on food like no other : I found 2 of my bird feeders empty in a matter of a night!

Hey, them raccoons are cute.

I have used those live Have-a-Heart traps for coons to relocate them. Might be tricky with skunks though....

Even my mom has a family of skunks under her house. At least they keep the rat situation down.

I have a skunk visitor that gets along with my dogs. It's super strange. The skunk will eat with them. I'm still afraid of getting sprayed though lol

I guess the skunk doesn't feel threatened by your dogs. Yes, better to stay away. I like watching them, but like to keep my distance.

It's a good job with a good experience, I'm happy to read the life story you live in, I think it's very fun, it's a month of money or income but it's a fun life because we're still bosses to share life with the life makhluh around us . I am happy with this story.

Thanks again @david777111, greetings greetings and greetings to you from the son of aceh

Cute story! Good luck with your termite protection efforts. LOL