How Alfred Hitchcock Defined HappinesssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The Secret To Happiness According to Alfred Hitchcock

Obviously, everyone has their own way to find happiness. You can't do it for someone. But you can definitely influence them.

When asked 'what is happiness' in an interview, Alfred Hitchcock replied:

A clear horizon — nothing to worry about on your plate, only things that are creative and not destructive… I can’t bear quarreling, I can’t bear feelings between people — I think hatred is wasted energy, and it’s all non-productive. I’m very sensitive — a sharp word, said by a person, say, who has a temper, if they’re close to me, hurts me for days. I know we’re only human, we do go in for these various emotions, call them negative emotions, but when all these are removed and you can look forward and the road is clear ahead, and now you’re going to create something — I think that’s as happy as I’ll ever want to be. -Alfred Hitchcock


I'm not saying you're not happy if you're reading this but do you occasionally have feelings of anger, hatred, rage, negativity, etc? Maybe there are other ways to deal with those built up negative emotions?

Why not trying to react positively to the negative things that come up in life? What do you have to lose?

Then again, some might say that Hitchcock was delusional about reality. If we are truly being human shouldn't one want to feel a large range of human emotions, instead of being a robot that responds with positivity 99% of the time?

Personally, I think it's hard to say one way or the other.

Leave a comment below of what you think happiness is. Feel free to be as open (or sarcastic) as you want. Is it finding a job you love? Is it food? Is it financial freedom? Is it just a chemical in your brain? Or is it a clear horizon like Hitchcock describes?

Leave an upvote and I'll return with a follow.

