New Beginnings Disguised As Endings
I feel like I am unable to do the work I need to do. My computer has been off for about two weeks and my netbook is so slow that there's no point in trying to use it. My iPhone is still the most powerful computer I've ever had.
Until now! My new computer is going to be light-years beyond what I've used until this point. I've always had problems with the computer being too slow. When I first get a new one of course it seems was fast, but I push it to the limit.
This is a warning or a reminder to every single reader- that means you! Upvote this post and then stop what you are doing and go backup your files. Save your crypto backup files. Secure everything immediately! Your computer is about to crash. Don't say I didn't warn you!!
I have a good friend putting together a new motherboard right in the old case. I'm so excited about being back online. I've been trying not to panic during this whole ordeal, and I think everything is going to work out.
I have made some great progress on some important projects despite my primary tower blowing up in my face. I have already begain manufacturing a significant order of DSC-USB devices that I will be selling to begin
the Miners Post Phase 1 launch January 1st 2018
The first 40 Darkflame studios contracts USB tokens are available for $25-$30 Canadian. Once a customer has theirs they can connect to the computer and setup .
Follow my past instructions to (encrypt your waves wallet backup phrases on the DSC-USB and then) purchase waves and miners post rewards tokens!
Then, using the Mailing List, send your Steemit username, Waves address, and Bitcoin address to the Miners Post. This will be completing your basic customer profile info on ! Once I recieve your Waves address and confirm you are the holder of the DSC-USB I will send 1.00000000 DSCT to your waves wallet.
I was having a shower last night and I had an epiphany. I am dual mining DSCT & DSC-USB. It takes time and money to create every single Darkflame studios contract USB device. The supply of the DSCT is limited by the amount of physical devices. Users can hold more than 1 DSCT in their waves and it can be traded, but the only time I will issue more DSCT is when I have more DSC-USBs manufactured and shipped (using time and money) to me, and to you.
Waves tokens are also consumed in this process. It costs money to buy sell and trade DSCT and MPST. My Epiphany was that I am physically mining DSC-USB while also issuing DSCT, and that this itself is a mechanism for controlling the supply.
Buy your first DSC-USB and receive 1.00000000 of 50 total DSCT in existence now. If you like this concept please get involved now!
This is what I want to setup in 2018, buy MPST tokens to crowdfund this decentralized bitcoin kiosk concept!
Bummer about the computer. I lost one about 2 years ago along with a ton of files. I had backed up fairly recently but it was a considerable loss at the time. Good luck with the rebuild!
posting a very interesting friend and thank you for sharing ... success is always for you @darkflame
how are the APU's? gonna run dual GPU's for mining? The FX series are another good, fast and fairly cheap way to go as well.

Great post, good luck @darkflame
The great post my friend
Thanks for sharing