Structured Water Regulation At The Highest Level And The Magic Of Gemstones And Gemstone Water

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I have been drinking it for ten years and in this post I would like to tell you a bit about structured water and show you also the device with which I make my structured water.

Only a few have heard about the term "structured water" and even fewer people know what is really hidden behind it.

Water means life. Without water the diversity of life as it appears on our planet would be inconceivable. Every day, man needs this element to guarantee his continued existence. In nature, water plays an enormous role. Where there is abundant, plants thrive in abundance and the natural environment is green and nourished.

The fact that water is still much more capable than extinguishing thirst and cleansing the body, some scientists have discovered with amazing experiments on structured water.

The energy of water

One of the people who has worked intensively with the water was the Austrian Viktor Schauberger. He recognized the connections of the water with its natural environment and observed its movement. He worried about the impact of civilization on nature, noting that measures such as the clearing of forests, river degradation and the treatment of drinking water have a negative impact on the healthy energy of the water. In return, he pleaded for a conservation of the natural movement of the water and developed technical methods for water upgrading. In this way the water should recover its original energy and preserve the quality of healthy, fresh water, as it is in nature.

Today, Viktor Schauberger's discoveries are used to achieve positive effects on human health and the growth of plants. The natural flow of water in brooks and rivers is imitated with the help of water whirlpools and provides amazing results. Shower heads and water taps are provided with corresponding attachments, whereby a spiral, whirling movement of the water is produced. In this way, the energy level of the water rises and gets refreshing and nourishing qualities that have a positive effect on health.


Structured Water

Particularly remarkable and impressive insights gained Dr. Masaru Emoto in his observations. The Japanese researcher used structured water for his experiments and found out that water is able to store information. He found that water lives and responds to emotions, words, thoughts, prayers and music.

Thus, in one of his experiments, he filled a hundred petri dishes with water and divided them into two categories. One half of the water was constantly praised, while he scolded the other half continually. Then he froze all petri dishes and discovered amazing when he looked at the ice under a microscope. The respective halves had very different structures. The praised, now frozen water was very harmonious and beautifully formed in geometric patterns. The scorched (negatively discussed) water now had very angular and disordered structures in the frozen state. Further experiments with positive and negative words produced the same results. Stickers were placed on vessels with water, which were labeled with words, such as love and gratitude. Dr. At these words Masaru Emoto discovered the most beautiful and unique structures, no matter what language they were used in. He came to the conclusion that such structured water has a healing effect.

What exactly makes structured water so special and valuable for human health? Water molecules are connected to each other by hydrogen bonds, thus forming loose assemblies, which are also called clusters of water. Sluggish water has larger associations, while smaller structured clusters provide for a higher energy of the water.

Structured water also has changed properties, which allow for increased storage of information. The structuring therefore involves a certain order of the water molecules. In order to illustrate the crystalline structures in the water, a comparison to snowflakes can be made. For with these small ice crystals, the inclination of the water molecules to break down into six groups is particularly evident.

The water in the human body, like living and natural spring water, has the same crystalline structures. Since this water, which contains many of these structures, has a higher energy, scientists have been able to establish a direct link between the degree of order in water and human health.

For this reason, structured water has become an interesting and very extensive subject of recommendable books, which deal in detail with how water resonates with external influences. The authors describe and explain exactly why and how structured water acts so positively on the human body and which specific methods for structuring can be applied.


If you like to see the water crystal photo gallery from Dr. Masaru Emoto click here and you will be amazed how beautiful it is.

A person's body consists of about 60 - 70 percent water. Due to the discoveries of Dr. Masaru Emoto has to be assumed that also the water in the body saves information of any kind. Positively structured water can thus have an enormous effect on the human organism and achieve a healing effect. In the knowledge, structured water for drinking and mindfulness with regard to thoughts, words and feelings can be beneficial to one's own health.


My structured water device

The structured water device I am using for the last 10 years is called UMH Delta and it is made in Austria. The device is made of brass and 24 karat gold-plated. It is equipped with a special gemstone composition, a hyperbolic flow cycle and handmade vials to ensure a highly stable energy field. The pyramid-shaped stand structure is effective when comes to multiple energizing the water and other beverages. Depending on the frequency of the application, a custom level of energy can be reached. I have tried a few other devices but the UMH Delta is in my opinion the best one you can get on the market.


You can buy the UMH Delta at

For more information about the UMH products feel free to contact me.

Here are some very interesting videos about the UMH products:

Structured Water Device Explained!

Sunhorse Energy Owner on belifewater Benefits.

OH! Juice owner on belifewater Benefits

Structured water has changed my life very positively, I have not been sick (flue or cold) since I've been drinking it "10 years" and I feel much more vital and energized.

Gemstones and gemstone water

Healing with gemstones and minerals comes from an ancient tradition. Whether you want to drink gemstone water or to lay on gemstones. They harmonize and help healing.

The origin of gemstones and minerals is as old as the history of our earth. In the magmatic formation of the stones, different stones such as topaz, tourmaline, ruby and sapphire were formed from the liquid magma of the earth's interior in the cooling earth crust. In the sedimentary formation of the precious stones, the connection with weathering processes comes into play, and for example, turquoise, malachite and azurite. The metamorphic formation of minerals takes place under temperature changes and pressure neoplasms.

From the very beginning of mankind, a fascinating effect of gemstones on mankind existed. Numerous myths and stories tell of the healing power of the gemstones. The use of gemstones for medicinal purposes is handed down by many ancient cultures. Testimonies of the use of stones for the healing of various diseases and the expulsion of evil spirits can be found in many ancient cultures. Shamans and medical men used the strength of the stones for their rituals, ceremonies and amulets.

The earliest surviving reports date back to the fourth century BC and are of Sumerian origin. Babylonians and Assyrians also employed healing elixirs of gemstones. In ancient Ayurveda you will find detailed instructions for the preparation powders and pastes from ground gemstones. Also internally applied gemstone mixtures are handed over. Thus, a detailed instruction on the production of curative powders and pastes from ground gemstones can be found at Dioskurides, a Roman physician from the first century AD. In the writings of Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) there are also details on healing with precious stones. In contrast to your predecessors, however, your knowledge was less based on methodological experience than on visionary foundations.


The gemstone therapy of modern times, also called lithotherapy, is therefore not a new method of healing, but is based on the traditional tradition of our ancestors. In modern medicine, however, the internal consumption of medicinal products made from powdered stones has been somewhat reduced to the background. The placing of stones on meridians and chakras, as well as the carrying of stones and their placement in rooms and in certain places is due to the assumption of the energetic effect of precious stones and minerals.

In the production of gemstone water the tradition of the internal application of precious stones is preserved. Here, selected gemstones are best placed in a glass of water overnight and the water is drunk on other days. Another alternative for the production of stone water is the charging in solar or moonlight.
So far, gemstones have been laid directly into the water and had to be cleaned again and again. Despite careful cleaning, however, the gemstones regularly gave substances (e.g., parent rock). These impurities were consumed with the water. With a VitaJuwel vial, such contamination is excluded. All secretions remain in the vial and do not enter the water!


VitaJuwel has also very nice glass bottles and other awesome products in there assortment.

You can buy the VitaJuwel protucs at


A basic idea of gemstone therapy is the system of the three kingdoms: mineral kingdom, plant kingdom and animal kingdom. All areas are connected to each other. A harmonious balance of the empires brings well-being. Thus, a natural contact of man with the realm of minerals and stones is also desired in order to make a balance.

Different healing effects are attributed to the individual gemstones. If the stone chosen for the individual problem is found, it can be placed, as described, either on the relevant body site or on the associated chakra or the corresponding meridian. For many stones it is also recommended to wear close to the body. This can take the form of a piece of jeweler or a so-called hand-flatter (a stone in handy format). The gemstone water , of course, can also be produced from the gemstone.

Again I drink structured gemstone water since 10 years and I have not been sick (flue or cold) since I've been drinking it.

Here are two photos of my gemstone vials.



For more information please go to and or just contact me!

Image Sources:

Video Sources:

Have a nice day!



I am not trying to rain your parade but this sounded like a hoax. Take a look at Wikipedia's write up on 'hexagonal water':

Hexagonal water
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For the six-sided shape water takes in nature, see snowflake.
Hexagonal water is a term used in a marketing scam[1][2] that claims the ability to create a certain configuration of water that is better for the body.[3] The term "hexagonal water" refers to a cluster of water forming a hexagonal shape that supposedly enhances nutrient absorption, removes metabolic wastes, and enhances cellular communication, among other things.[4] Similar to the dihydrogen monoxide hoax, the scam takes advantage of the consumer's limited knowledge of chemistry, physics, and physiology.

I also checked and their headquarters is at 1233 Gaywood St. (??!!) I have always been reading your articles on cryptocurrency, but this one, nope, I'm not convinced. This is a pseudo science scam.

Upvote to bump my comment up

Okay that is your opinion. I am drinking this water for the past 10 years and I will never miss it anymore because it is the best for me and the people who are drinking it too. I made my dog three cups of water one with tap water one with filtered tab water and one with filtered structured water guess from which cup he drunk.
Btw I had 35% more harvest in my grows with Structured Water then I had with just filtered water.

Yup that is right 1233 Gaywood St. San Diego CA but it will move soon I know that because it's the company of my brother and he is moving so what is the problem with that?

Do you think that all what is in Wikipedia is right? Please wake up.

This is a magical thing. I haven't heard of it in China. I hope to have a chance to try it. A newcomer from China is @chineseman.

I have one more a good friend of mine is a Scot he is a whiskey dealer for the past 40 years so he knows the good stuff one day I made him drink a glass of Chivas Regal which I put a few times through my UMH Delta after I told him that it was a Chivas Regal he could not believe it because the taste has become super nice and different I did a few more test with him and whiskeys he brought always the same result he bought one UMH Delta and is very happy.

Wikipedia is ran by a gang of pseudoskeptics who delete and alter any information that doesn't conform to their personal biases. Anything "alternative" is immediately destroyed by the community. It is no different than a gang.

That being said, this post is clearly a sales pitch. If it didn't immediately have a product sales page linked to it I would say leave it alone and stop complaining, however it has a sales page attached to it and thereby we must view this post as an elaborate sales pitch.

Unfortunately, even if structured water is a valid phenomena worth pursuing and even if it has proven scientific validity, the only reason this was posted was in an attempt to get a sale of their product, and since it is such a fringe product that is hard to prove reliable, I disagree with this approach of selling it.

Wikipedia is the exact opposite of real investigation. Look at my replies below. There is a wealth of research on this topic.

Wow !!!! Great video .... Thanks for sharing ...

It's logical for molecules etc etc to be influenced by their journey, just like children love makes it much more probable they become great humans, hate and violence makes it highly probable they will become expressions of that....this then can be seen as therapy for water a re-education to be the nice water nature intended it to be
would love to try and play around with this, any videos on the animals picking this water would be interesting also...

This post has been upvoted and picked by Daily Picked #29! Thank you for the cool and quality content. Keep going!

Don’t forget I’m not a robot. I explore, read, upvote and share manually ☺️

Thank you buddy keep it :)

I've read about Viktor Schauberger a few years ago. It's definitely a subject that interest me.

Wow! Really great post, great information about ''structure water''.
No doubt water means life.Thanks for sharing this nice post.
Great job danyelk.

Your welcome!
Yes water is life but you need to have very good water quality to have a healthy life and structured gemstone water has that quality.

New thing learned from this article about structured water. Thanks for posting.

Your welcome glade you learned something new :)

reading about gemstone water therapy and water structure is interesting ..its new for me

Glad you find it interesting and learned something new :)

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Its really awesome post @danyelk thankew for sharing this helpfull post i thing your most of the post are awesome 👍😍

Your welcome and thanks :)