Honesty is one of the most liberating values ​​that a people can have

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemit Community!

Greetings @damnel, I'm going to share an anecdote that I found very interesting and we should all take into account to make our society better.

A Colombian tourist entered a subway station in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. There he noticed that, among the revolving collection ports, there was one that gave free passage. Very surprised, he asked the ticket seller why that free access. The saleswoman sketched a smile and explained that the turnstile was intended for people who, for whatever reason, did not have money to pay for their ticket.

Incredulous, accustomed to the Latin way, he could not help but ask the question that, for him, was obvious:

  • and if the person had money, but simply did not want to pay?
    The saleswoman narrowed her blue eyes and with her permanent smile, answered:
  • But, I would not have to do it

Without being able to guess an observation, the character paid his ticket and entered through the turnstile, followed by a crowd that had also paid for their tickets. While the free passage remained empty.

Honesty is one of the most liberating values ​​that a people can have. A society that has managed to transform that value into something natural, is in a state of development, no doubt, superior. That is education. The world changes when you change. Let's make honesty and good faith a habit.

I hope you like it and put your comments and also your votes
Thank you