I = Linux Nuub , also a 10 day water fast?

in #life7 years ago

Linux Nuubing

For those of you that have been following my mini series about my internet radio station, this is a short feature of woe. I have been downloading a few protocols for the last three days, and I am sure that anyone that has some experience with Linux would have been able to hit this thing out of the park in a day. In between Catering at a course and waiting for download times I have been stumped out by Rivendell.

But I am soldiering on, despite the fact I can feel my brain growing. I do not know if you have ever felt that? It happens when you are exposed to something outside of your map of reality, and the brain does not like learning that much because it actually is an infrastructure expansion project. You see knowledge is an objective thing, it exists on the server farm that is your brain. So what may take a guy that is used to Linux a day or two may take a complete nuub a week. Things are slow going, and that is because Rivendell is not a compiled suite, and I have to install it from source code.

I threw myself in the deep end, and I am still sputtering around, trying not to drown. I am sure that after the first few hurdles that I am faceplanting over I will get something new out of this, a better understanding of Linux and my radio station automation suite setup.

10 days of starving

The next thing I want to talk about for now is supposed to cause a sensation, and I am doing this for a good reason as well. I need to shock my system with a detox. I also want to test my will power, and the model of change that I spoke about the post I did about the three brains. It may just expand into a 20 day water fast, but that will be for meditative purposes instead of a shock to the system.

So here is the deal, My account has 5 SBD in it, and I am putting it on the line. If I fail at this 10 day water fast you guys are going to find the most hated whale on Steemit and I will donate what I have to that account which means I have tanked all the progress I have made on Steemit over the last month, so I will basically have to start over.This is an accountability challenge, and you can increase the pressure on me by resteeming this post. The more upvotes I get on this post will also encourage me to continue into the second phase which is the 20 day water fast.

This is my strategy:

1) every morning when i wake up I am going to use a tool called formal resolve. I obtained this tool by reading a book on meditation called Mastering the Core Teachings of the Buddha (MCTB for short) -> "I formally resolve to do ...." . As for why this works, briefly, language can be used in the metaphor of a computer and coding. Your language controls what you focus on. Resolve is a strong word, and when you ponder it's meaning you will see it is a loaded concept. It takes you far away from the negotiations the brain starts to create and puts you in the position of action

but this is only one half. The other half is to put a compelling reason after the resolve -> "I formally resolve to do (x) ", "because of (y)" I got this part from Anthony Robbins. He says that the more reasons you give yourself, the higher the probability is that you will actually do it, and that social pressure is the highest priority of these reasons.

2) The Fibonacci applied to evidence: the first day of water fasting unlocks the second, the combination of the first and the second day unlocks the third and the third day compounds to unlock four and five. when five days are completed I have the integrity of three consecutive days and that will influence me to finish the last two - these mental gymnastics are used instead of forming beliefs around actions. Evidence is required for beliefs to work, and I trust objective measurements to fulfil this task

3) Get as much social pressure to finish this behind me as possible - this is where you come in, help me get through this by passing this along, and comment that whale account, the results will be tallied up and that one will be the beneficiary of my failure if it does come to that