Greetings community Steemitniana, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to share my content with you.

Today we will continue talking about the issues that pertain to the work of "The Wonderful Flowers of the Candela". We are first of all a community, a collective of stewards. However, it is curious that many people, who seem to forget that in history, indifference operates in a brutal and always tribute to those who have economic power, not taking sides is the most despicable, obscene and accomplice to be the weight dead that will define the struggle of those who fight. This has a lot to do with how do we conceive ourselves?
Consumption is prevalent in all planes, land, water, above all things the veil of indolence is being sifted, social relations are increasingly mutating, until a dehumanized and stigmatized society is obtained as a result of racism or what is worse the endoracism, which will continue to generate delay and isolation to millions of individuals. If it were changed in any way, the direction where the current society is going, we should start by recognizing ourselves. In the first place, it must be accepted, that it has been raised, forged, in short, full of racism and ethnic shame. If the colonizers first planted it for us, then it was harvested by the Catholic Church, along the same lines as our educational and cultural policies focused on the Eurocentric and Western aspects. Could the effects of the deterioration of identity in globalization be counteracted? With what values would we then counteract or try to manipulate the so-called "globalization" in the most convenient way.

Love your art. I do art too hehe. Thank for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.
Greetings @joeyarnoldv, sorry the delay to respond, I really liked your comment, art always saves, thanks for visiting me, we will be in contact Joey.I bless to be able to come together in this space, two lovers of art.
How are you?
I'm fine, thank you and how are you?
Great. I am good. So good to see you.