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RE: Be FLICKED I think i just saw BatBird ! ! !

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I have spent some small time watching nature , nothing serious but I do Love watching the natural order of things . . .

I truly wish " mother Nature " would ' cull ' off a few million of these idiot distracted humans I watch walking around all day with their mobile cell phones stuck up their arzes ...

But that is not what we are talking about here ; this bird was so awesome , I so wish I had of had a camera phone in my fool hand instead of a ciggy . . .

I think the French say " Cel La Vie ",

I say ' ship happens '...

THAT was so kool to watch ,

I am gonna go offer that bird some bird seed to see if I can bribe it

to repeat the performance for my camera :)

[ just kidding ; NVR mess with Mother Nature ! ]

/ Hugz ;)

u R followed , nature Lova Mate ! ! !


Catch a picture of that sucker!

I know what you mean about cell phones. I have a love hate relationship with technology. I'm on my phone now replying so that I like. It's addicting though, we limit our kids usage and have strict rules about when and where they can use tablets etc. I almost miss the days when none of this stuff existed.

LoL ; hi , UPDATE . . .

about 5 hours later a VERY similar bird was loitering in that area ( on top of the Fence ) I am gonna start a " stake - out " , with a camera phone :)

Stay Tuned ; same Bat - ChanneL , same Bat - Time . . .

If WE R Lucky ; I am gonna snap that Bat - Bird - brain 4 US ! ! !

if we are lucky ...

/ Hugz ;)

I EXIST in Cyberspace via a computer, I am a tourist in America unable to travel due to a leg injury, I HAVE no USA phone but I use computer phone and skype...

I watch so many others walk around all day and night long looking into their phones...

The miss everything wonderful that I see each day in the Real World , that is THEiR loss ; not mine !

Doctors are warning that to continually walk with your head down instead of erect is going to lead to a generation of people with neck complaints . . .

But no one is listening ; they are all looking at their phones or taking " selfies " . . .

I limit my technology by simply getting up and walking away from my computers ; I RULE my Life, NOT Technology :)

/ Hugz ;)

I am Free & I am my own Man . . .

That sucks that you are injured!

Right on, I agree. It's not just walking, people are glued to phones and tablets all the time. Get outside and do something! Hold a conversation looking straight at someone.

Lol ; krap u R such a mind - reader :)

I diD get outside and hold a convo ; the person started an online internet crusade against me ...

On Friday I pick up my Police Report and take it to the State Law enforcement prosecutors and see if they will arrest this female on Criminal Cyber-Stalking . . .


Yep get out and MEEt people, TRieD that ; did NOT go so WeLL . . .


NOW I am VERY Happy to give a young mother of to Kids a Criminal Felony Conviction for the REST of Her Natural Life :)

she started this WAR , NOW I am TRYiNG to get her to explain it to a CRIMINAL COURT Judge & JURY :)

after all , she CHOOSE this course of action when she started her cyber-campaign against me ...

/ Hugz ;)

I truly did nothing wrong and I hope the Criminal JURY Lock this young mother UP for the REST of her NATURAL Life ! ! ! :)

Ain't Life Grand , I wonder how this might affect her YOUNG Kids = NOT my PROBLEM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/ Hugz ;)

MerLow Red Wine is an EXCELLENT pain " medication " :)

/ Hugz ;)