Dating doesn't have to be scary!

in #life7 years ago


So I went on my big Date last night, and to be honest I was extremely nervous. We had originally planned to meet up sometime between 6:00 and 6:30. I sent her a message earlier in the day and never heard anything back until about 6:15, but before hearing anything back I had a few internal thoughts. The most prominent one was she is going to flake on me, as this has happened for about the last 5 scheduled dates I was supposed to have. Worst feeling in the world is getting stood up especially when you get ready and all prettied up. Yes I am a guy that likes to dress up for dates #DealWithIt So I found out she was just running really late from work, and we ended up meeting at 7:45 instead.

The place of choice was a Sushi restaurant, I figured it would be a nice place to have a sit down and chit chat without completely stuffing our faces. Well it worked out well, this was one of the first times, I had actually managed to have a normal conversation with someone without them having to look at there phone every 5 minutes. It was really a luxury that we definitely take for granted these days. So we sat there chatting right up until the restaurant closed, I went in for the hug, she went in for the kiss. Here is me very surprised at this point, as I have typically always have been the first one to initiate. We swapped numbers, and we have another date lined up for this coming Saturday and I am very much looking forward to it. So the plan for Date number two is to bake cookies together, little does she know, I don't actually need any help. Most girls just assume guys do not know there way around the kitchen, so this will be a fun surprise!

Oh this last bit is just an aside, but it's absolutely hilarious! So not too many people know this, but I have a really shitty phone. I have had girls break up with me because they think I am broke for not having a nice phone. I am not really sure when this became the big status symbol for modern society but it is a thing. So when we were exchanging numbers, I told her, that the dating app we were both on, I could only access it from my house. So I would have been super screwed if she got lost, or anything. She laughed a little at me when she saw just how slow it was for my phone to load up the contacts list. She laughed some more when I had to type out the Emoji's the old fashioned way :p :) ;)
Good news is she actually kinda digged the old school vibe so that is a plus. I have never upgraded mainly due to the fact that I really hate phones, and the way they are used now.

Cheers! Will be keeping you informed as things progress, Steem ya Later


Nice one man am happy for you. Most ladies think that the guy with the expensive phone is the rich guy but the fail to understand that there's more to life

Definitely more to life then a fancy phone! I hate pretentious people sometimes ... Correction all the time.

You really a cool dude from your write up. Sure getting stand up on a date is so embarrassing and no one ever go on a date without looking all glowed up in your best behaviour and when the time delays,you look hella warnout and the fashion fades out but am happy she later Turned up after not keeping to plan and you really showed the man you are by waiting and not frowning to make her uncomfortable. Sushi joint,you got it right👌 .and as for the phone,please bro change up its not that you hate it because how its used but you could actually lose some precious time with your date while with an old phone,you might not get an iphone but alittle upgraded smart phone that doesn't lag with a better RAM and ROM gets you on. Thanks for sharing your anticipated love life with your date with us and sure what i have learnt from you is patience

Thanks for the advice, I should definitely get an upgrade. Yeah, I was super glad she ended up showing up, would have been a bad time otherwise.

That's a great story man, I'm happy for you. I'm also out there dating right now and have had some good experiences in the last two weeks. After a few first dates at the beginning of the year that didn't go anywhere I met up with someone pretty great a few weeks ago and things have been awesome so far. We've gone on three dates in the last two weeks. The first two dates I went in for the kiss and got denied, she turned to the side for me to kiss her cheek. The third date ended up being amazing though. Not only did we have the first kiss, but ended up making out for a couple of hours. Here's to hoping things continue to go great for the both of us. #upvoted

Here is hoping, we make 2018 a good year :) Glad to see you are doing well with the ladies as well!

I think its cute when a guy shares his date like this.........

Nothing over the top for a first date, I like to keep it simple :) Only reason I post on here about my dating life is no one actually knows who I am haha :p

Very Interesting and suspense...

Wonderful writing and a very relatable story. Looking forward to hearing more.

That is if you are dating the right person,and if you and your partner have listening ear for eachother.

@coriolanus sometimes girls want boys to move on, kiss,a hug, sweet words.

Next time, please don't make just " cookies " . Have fun!

Call me old fashioned, but I like to get to know people before moving forwards too quickly. If the girl is not into taking things a little slow, then I suppose she might not be for me.