Gender (in)equalities

in #life7 years ago

Hello everyone! Today I would like to talk about man and women inequalities.
Recently it came out, that men broadcasters in a BBC house earn more than women. Do men TV and radio presenters simply catch more attention, then women and therefore earn more success? Or is the gender playing the main role here? Maybe there is some other reason quiescently hidding behind it?

In 2017 BBC house revealed, that 2/3 of best paid journalists were men. The highest year sallary among women was earned by Claudia Winkleman (approx. 600.000$ or 550.000€), while highest paid man Chris Evans recived as much as 2,8million dollars! Such a huge difference. When these stats became published, Jeremy Vine radio presenter, agreed to lower his wage in order to promote gender equality. In a BBC house the average difference was 10% in 2016 /17 while in Great Britain the average difference was 18% in the same season according to official UK national statistics.

When I read some other analyses, I found out that similar differences occur all over the world. In USA for example, the gender pay gap is around 20%. But the biggest change happens after the age of 24. I really belive, that the reason for it is because most people in a modern society, become parents between the age of 25-35. And I think women dedicate more time and energy for their kid, while men use comparable amount of effort to keep buliding up their career . And that is where the gap begins to spread.

In my country (Slovenia) there is a law about employing students and according to it, employer isn't allowed to define whether they need a man or a woman, which doesn't make a system progressive for my opinion. Consequently the platforms that are offering student jobs don't offer such information, despite the employer still accepts only one kind of gender for an interview. Can you imagine a boy hostess? Or a girl working as a security guard ? If there was a casino for example, where some nice looking boys would be serving drinks , I am sure that the casino would make much less money, than neighbour casino, where a guest would be served by nice looking girls. And I belive there are more chances for a fight in front of a woman security guard, than a man.


Women have a warmer voice and they do better job when it comes to helping others. If someone is depressed they can usually offer more appropriate help than men. And that is why most of social workers are women. On the other hand, men with a stronger voice, can be more efficient leaders, and it is easier for them to be authoritative. Not to mention the differences in our brain! I am not supporting some old-fashioned ideas about each gender rights, like they practise in many muslim countries. I am absolutely positive that we must have the same rights, but we also have to be real about our differences. I agree with women's quotas in most EU countries parliaments. But i don't like to generalize it in a way that we need the same chances for everything. Let's explore where women are doing better, and the opposite. At the end of the day ; let's encourage women on the fields they are doing better job, and encourage men on their fields.

What do you think about it? I would love to hear some other thoughts!