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RE: Light

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Yes there is a light, It is a platform of individual intelligence pooled and expressed through a collective intelligence. Taking what we already have and supercharging it. A platform moderated not by authority, leaders, experts, famous people, popular people, exciting people, flash-bang, needs, wants; no this platform will be moderated by human logic and reason. We will all see a brighter future because of it. What we have now is chaotic unworkable environment where we all sit on pins and needles hoping it doesn’t all go down in some terrible way. What we have now are six billion individuals working as individuals or within a group of individuals searching for and utilizing any way they can imagine to contort and pervert our human logic and reason for their own needs and wants and delusions. There will be no Muddling through it. It will never go away. We just have to put an end to the reign of the individual intelligence and our reliance on our individual perceptions. Human logic must reign and the 130+ fallacies we assault it with daily, minute by minute must be stamped out. We are doing this to ourselves, the bad guys are just one of the animals in the ecosystem.