Is Government Necessary?

in #life8 years ago

Is Government Necessary?

Is government necessary? The short answer is no. To say that government is a necessary evil, is to say that evil is necessary. Before asking whether or not government is necessary, it is important to ask what government is, and what necessary actually means. Then the breakdown of why this institution is violent and immoral can take place.
A government is an institution of people that has deemed it legal to initiate force against other people in a given geographic area. Void of a complex system of monopolized theft, this institution cannot exist. What does it mean for this institution to be necessary? It is necessary for a perpetually violent culture and society. It is certainly necessary to pull off mass murder on the scale of any war in human history. It is true that the free market has no demand, and if the market does not demand a good or service, that good or service does not exist, unless through force. If I do not pay my taxes, they will send a letter. If I still do not, they send men in blue costumes. If I still refuse they break into my private property and attempt to kidnap me in order to lock me into a cage and force me to pay. If I still refuse and attempt to defend myself as a rightfully should, they kill me. That’s how statists get their precious public parks. Through threats of murder. It is impossible to have a government any other way.

There are two major economic sections in the world. The productive sector and the parasitic sector. By definition, because the government does not actually produce anything, cannot be deemed government without being a part of the parasitic sector. Every bit of financial backing that government makes claim to, was actually stolen from individuals who have produced it legitimately, or void of coercive action. In a society void of government, freely cooperating, private individuals, would fulfill the market demands for specific goods and services that are currently violently monopolized by government. Most statists just simply cannot wrap their brain around the idea of private roads. But roads in the hands of private industry would be constructed void of government taxation. “But what about the poor?” many statists will ask. The government loves poor people so much, it makes more of them every day. Without government, there would be less poor people. Currencies that actually have value would take over and compete with one another, instead of our current monopolized fiat currency system. These poor people are often tied down by government through non-violent crime sentence for use of marijuana for instance.
If people are truly immoral by nature like so many statists say, then why should people be given an institution that monopolizes all of the violence, all of the force, and all of the coercion in a given geographic location, and then given all of the weapons, the ability to create currency out of thin air, and a claim to legitimacy to do it all? Is that not a contradictory claim to make?
Government is unnecessary. Government is chaos. Government is violence. Government is an opinion with a gun and a monopoly on force and violence. To many, government is a religion, void of any ability to do anything wrong, and always accountable. In reality, it’s the latest attempt at human farming and the most profitable way to make money with the least amount of work, to steal it. The one thing every statist needs to be asked, if you love your entitlements so much, and they are so essential to your way of life, why do you need government to obtain them for you? When are you going to cut out the middle man and steal the goods yourself?