A Rebuttal Against Those Who Think Their Feelings Are More Important Than My Life: Why Freedom of the Press Remains Important

in #life8 years ago

A Rebuttal Against Those Who Think Their Feelings Are More Important Than My Life

Why Freedom of the Press Remains Important

Under what circumstances should the government be permitted to restrict freedom of the press, or exercise control over media content. Never. I am an Anarcho-Capitalist. I do not think the government should exist at all, much less have control over the media or have the ability to restrict freedom of the press. Under certain regimes, I would already be dead through the things I have said at Consensual Interaction and its accompanying YouTube channel.
Many is the realm of politics today do not actually adovcate free speech anymore. Those on the left do not support anyone speaking out against mental disorder acceptance and they wish to have any speech that hurts their feelings to be limited and rejected without question. The right, on the other hand, become irate when their monuments of the state and their religious artifacts such as their flag or the spirit of their particular denomination of whatever their statist religion is, whether it be the American denomination of flag worship and troop worship or whether it be the French denomination of masochism on a socioeconomic level, infiltrating their culture by shipping in large numbers of high risk denominations all at the behest of the politicians who steal from individuals via the violent act of taxation.

Again, the American federal government is the most violent and corrupt organization the world has ever seen since the dawn of mankind, so why should this organization even exists, much less control what the population receives through the media? Many statists will say that in times of war, it is necessary for all Americans to give up all of their freedom because in the eyes of a statist, government is magic. To a statist, government is capable of more than what man is capable of, because to a statist, government is god. A statist worships the government. A statist says prayers to the effigy of their god every morning before class starts. A statist is willing to die for their god. But a statist is also willing to kill for their god. When a person says that they are for restricting freedom of the press, what they are really saying is that there are things that some people should be killed for saying. To use the force of government to prevent someone from saying something is to use the threat of death to prevent them from saying it. Governments do not ask people to stop saying something if they do not like it, governments kill. Joseph Stalin killed 43 million people alone in just a few years, many of them were individuals who spoke out against the government.

The market should decide which information is important or not important. Any other driving force behind releasing information outside of market forces, are forces rooted in violent and coercion.