"New Year, New Me"

in #life7 years ago


Everyone Says It

Everyone makes a resolution and everyone says "new year, new me" but 80% fail by February. We all want to grow as people but don't want to put the work in to actually make it happen.

Make yours happen

  1. Write it down & put it somewhere you can see it
  2. Make sure it's something you're motivated about
  3. Build it into your daily routine

It's very simple; however, people typically fail because they don't have the drive toward these goals they actually need. They want to put it off and then eventually they forget about it or decide "I guess I'll try again next year."

My Resolution

I have one big resolution and a number of smaller ones.

Small Goals

  1. Find happiness within myself (a simple sounding one but one I have trouble with at times. I focus too much on material items & other people to bring me happiness)
  2. Post on Steemit every other day
  3. Hang out with new people (I'm an introvert)

Big Goal

My goal is something I've wanted to do for a very long time but haven't done. I want to grow my new YouTube vlogging & tutorial channel and stream on Twitch regularly. It's a thing of procrastination for me as I work full time and go to school full time. These are excuses...they're valid excuses that take up a lot of my time but none the less they are excuses. I'm planning on posting three videos a week and streaming at least three times a week every single week.

How Long Can I Do This?

I'm honestly not sure how long I can keep this resolution up for. I've never been one to make resolutions in the past but I figure this is something I would really like to do so I might as well make my first one this year. It's a big one but I feel like it will be a lot of fun and it will help me with my editing & videography skills.

What Are Your New Year's Resolutions?

Let me know in the comments. I'm interested because this is the first year I've had them for myself so I'm wondering what yours are. Also, do you like them or do you find them to be ultimately useless?

If You're Interested

If you guys want to check my Twitch & YouTube out here are the links.


This is a captivating post. compliment of the new season

Thank you very much, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. It means so much to me

The first and only time I've had a new resolution was way back in 2008... I was a teenager then, had just finished high but I was picking pockets at home a lot and someone I was beginning to do it outside as well.
I always wanted to have the flashy things that others around me had. I knew I had to stop the pocket picking before it got out of hand so I made a resolution to never take money that doesn't belong to me again and then I prayed to God to open my eyes to money making opportunities, where I can actually work my own money.

In January 2009 I got a job as a receptionist in a small hotel and that was how I stopped picking pockets.

It's not just about making the resolution, it's about having the zeal and determination to actually make sure you're up to the task ahead.
I hope you find the strength to keep to your resolutions in 2018. Cheers and happy new year.

Beautifully said my friend. If you don't have that drive then your resolution doesn't mean anything. It's almost pointless or redundant. You have to actually want it not just wish for it. I hope that I have the strength to keep mine also my friend. Thank you so much for your story it really did speak volumes to me. Cheers, mate. Happy New Year.

Cheers mate, hoping read more insightful and helpful posts from you especially ones I can relate to and contribute.

I think you're be pleasantly surprised :)

Tomorrow you will find alot of people who have slept in 2017, and woked up in 2018. Hahaha. Right? Happy new year

Exactly haha :P Happy new year, mate. I hope you have an amazing year <3

What a fantastic post, your post is very useful to me and all users of steemit, I am proud of you ... I love your post, you are great at making a post, you are a genius, hopefully the side of victory and goodness with your work. Thank you for your post
from :: @onsteem

I'm very glad you enjoyed the post it really does mean a lot to me :)

Hey mate, first of all, did you made the thumnail by urself? Or you got it from google?

Anyways it looks just great.

Take it slowly with the youtube thing, promote yourself propertly and keep creating good content, bdw dtube is an amazing oportunity everyone should take..

And well this is all mate, have a good 2018, and stay strong :)

I didn't know you meant the thumbnail for this post haha my bad. I got it off google actually. I thought about doing some minor cosmetic changes & color changes but decided it looked good as it is so I kept it how it was just off google! I typically try to make my own thumbnails for YouTube & Steemit though!

I actually went on dtube and tried uploading there and it kept failing for some reason and I haven't had the time to troubleshoot it. Do you happen to know how to fix it off the top of your head?

I hope you have a good 2018 also, mate <3

Im not sure mate... anyways u did a cool post and the thumnail looks nice too.

Keep trying on dtube, try to solve it and well.. i think dtube has a lot of potential. I mean, is not like youtube, where u upload a video and if u dont have an audience, ur video will not be seen by any.

On dtube for sure it will be seen by some of us so... that's a bit oportunity atm.

Not sure what was ur trouble, but im sure u can fix it, or at least try to search some info :)))

See ya mate, happy new year :)

Well thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed my post that means a lot to me!

I will keep trying dtube as it looks really promising and if it's anything like Steemit I will love it! I'll figure it out, I've just been busy!

See ya, man!

Sure man, dtube is another plattaform created on steemit, i mean u can recive upvotes on there for your videos, like if it was a post.

Take a look, im sure u have big chances to shine on there, if ur videos are good.

Happy new year mate :))

I troubleshot the issue and posted my first video on d.tube about 15 min ago! I wish I knew it would also post on steemit! I didn't realize that for some reason :(

I don't know if I should post on both YouTube & d.tube because my YouTube videos are 4k but d.tube caps at 480p so it's something I'm thinking about right now!

Nice man, i just saw ur video on tube. Well u can still try on dtube, look at how that other guys are making videos for dtube..

Im sure u can upload your youtube content on here too, and get upvoted for it too.

:)) Take a look at how other people does videos for dtube, im sure u can get how all this thing works, and for sure it can be profitable too. Cause dtube is just new, and all this videos that u will upload now for sure will have a nice impact soon or later :)

Thanks for the words of support man that's much appreciated! Can't wait to grow in 2018 <3

nice post with some powerful words really like it.

Thank you, man. That means a lot. I put a lot of thought into this post. I'm glad it made the impact on you that it did. Happy new year