Gratitude during difficult times

in #life6 years ago

These past two weeks have been a particularly difficult time for us as a family......

I belong to a website called Goalcoast on Facebook..... I enjoy most of their inspirational videos.

It's been really hard to find gratitude in most of anything that has happened in our lives, yet here we are alive and kicking.......

Our degrees of difficulty differs vastly from person to person, circumstance to circumstance...... In all of the hurt and mess you still try to remain positive and to be grateful for what YOU DO HAVE and not be upset for what is lacking.

We have been deeply hurt by a family member, something that I thought would actually never happen but....... It did.........In the video it says that there is a reservoir of tears and sadness in us that we never knew existed to the extent that it does, until a situation strikes........ Then you realize.... Hang on...... I still have a roof over my head...... I am still able to provide for my family (though in very humble circumstances but nonetheless).......... I still have my animals who love me unconditionally........ I have my health..... The list goes on.

(Photo taken by anonymous source)

So essentially we're left with that vital question of do I let this get me down or do I rise from the ashes and learn from this and thus become stronger?

The attached video clip was so profound when I watched it and it certainly gave me a new perspective on things that could have easily spiralled into depression..... I chose for that not to happen. I'm a constant work in progress but I'm grateful for the strength of acknowledging my weaknesses and working at them........ Looking for real gratitude in what hand I have been dealt.

I hope that those who watch this video will find strength and inspiration the way I have....... May we always strive to find gratitude......

This really resonated with me - as it will for many I believe. So I will share...
(with permission from a very dear friend. Elmarie Louise)



How brave are you? Are you diving for the light into that which is dark? It is an advanced task that only a rebellious and brave heart will attempt.
You may not feel that you have taken such a journey by choice..yet you have taken this challenge on from deep within your soul. Your innermost being has evoked this situation in your life with the intention that you will grow in Power, Wisdom and Creativity. It also wants you to experience a bold and fearless TRUST IN LIFE and become further empowered to live in it with zest and with courage.
The oracle of diving for light speaks of a time when you are called into darkness through life circumstances, situations, relationships, challenges or inner struggles that defy clear understanding.
That darkness might be a creative block, a sense of being void or feelings of depression, rage, sadness, fear or anxiety. There may or may not be an obvious cause.
The darkness might be generally accepted and socially acknowledged, because there is a social acceptability or obvious reason for it such as death, divorce, retrenchment...
However - there may be no obvious justification for your experience with darkness. You might not need a reason to accept it - likewise you may struggle to find an unconditional acceptance of your experience. Just know that you are actually on track and right where you need to be.
Our creative process, and our spiritual path go through similar turning of the wheel process.
There is a Spring and a Summer in the seasons of our Soul - as well as in the earthly ones. There is an Autumn harvest and there is a death inherent to the Winter where energy is concentrated and pulled within to seek out the darkness - where it can rest, regenerate and simply be. Until the time is right for New Life, Energy and Creative Inspiration to burst forth.
When diving for the light, you must be willing to bare the darkness and understand that it has a purpose much like Winter has upon the earth.
So it makes sense that there are always new doors opening...somewhere to walk through. There is a time for this. The time may be Now. This is the time to have the Courage - To accept the Golden Door of opportunities that are opening before you - and to walk through them. Even if they feel unfamiliar...

May we always seek gratitude in the moments of our worst despair even if only in the sight of a single beautiful flower 🌸



@chillipip, enjoy the vote!

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