What Is It Like To Withdraw From Alcohol?

in #life5 years ago

Lets discuss what to expect when the decision is made to stop drinking alcohol. Many people make this step in the right direction, not understanding that the body will take some time to readjust to functioning without drinking.

Most people can come off alcohol quite safely at home. However, if you are ever worried about what is happening or have had a bad experience in the past, you should contact your doctor or local community alcohol team. There is no virtue in punishing yourself with bad withdrawals.

Expect the first three days to most likely be the worst. Irritability, being nervous or restless are all normal and you may have flu-like symptoms. Do not give in at his point. You will see a noticeable difference for the better in about a week to ten days.

Since alcohol has a high sugar concentration, it is helpful to replenish this for the first few days. Drinking fruit juice is the best way to achieve this.

Alcohol disturbs your natural sleep patterns; if you can’t sleep or wake after just a few hours, don’t worry – this is quite normal and will right itself after a few weeks. Try learning some relaxation exercises.

With the passing of time, you will rediscover interests that you had abandoned to drinking. Take the time to enjoy these when you can. Try to get some exercise as the endorphins will help to make you feel better. Watch TV or read a book if you wish. Set small individual goals for yourself that are obtainable. Remember that what you are going through is hard and take one step at a time. If you want to quit smoking or lose weight, do it at another point further down the road.

You may find the desire to discuss with people close to you what you are experiencing and feeling. If they seem to lack faith in you, don’t be discouraged. Those around you also need time to adjust to your alcohol free choice just like you.

Quitting alcohol is not a quick fix to all of the problems that led to your drinking or those created by your drinking. Your addiction did not happen overnight and neither can the solutions to your problems. Wait until you are in a more stable position with the ability to put your issues into perspective before rebuilding what went wrong. Talk with a counselor or join a support group for help if you need to.

Don’t fall into the trap of setting yourself up to start drinking again. Have what you will say to the person who offers you alcohol ready in your mine so you will never be aught unprepared.

It is not easy giving up alcohol, but by taking things slowly – one day at a time as AA puts it – and being realistic, you will succeed.