Heart Mom Diaries: Unexpected Blessings

As Forrest Gump said:
Life is like a box of chocolates, you'll never know what you're gonna get.
Life is really full of surprises and unexpected twists and turns. I may have born a daughter with a heart defect that only affects 1 out of 2000 newborns, but yet, I still see it as an unexpected blessing. It is because of her heart defect that I learned to see the world in a whole new perspective. We lived life by the day and cherish each moments because we were scared it might be our last. My daughter, Zoe has made me a stronger person than I was before.
And though our prayers were not answered promptly and there were times I almost felt like giving up especially when my son asked me why hasn't our prayers answered yet. Every night as we go to sleep, we prayed together and asked God to heal our little girl. I claimed she will be healed before turning 5 and even told my kids that my little girl can even run, play and go to school already. I don't know what made me tell them that. I was uncertain but I wanted them to have something to look forward to when tomorrow comes.
We prayed fervently and it was 9 months to go before Zoe's 5th birthday. I was getting a little impatient already because there wasn't any updates on the heart foundations we have applied yet. I cried hard on why up to that day, God was so silent. I felt lost and felt like giving up again.
January 8, 2017 was the day that changed our lives. It was the day that our prayers were answered. I applied for the Haiti Cardiac Alliance 3 days before and was so overjoyed to hear the greatest and my most awaited news - My daughter qualified for a free heart surgery.
Hello Michelle, I will write you a longer email on Monday but I didn't want to wait to tell you the good news that Zoe has been accepted to have surgery at Health City Cayman Islands. You and Zoe will travel there as soon as your passports and visas are ready. Congratulations!
It was more than I prayed and hoped for. There were a lot of struggles but still... we're still standing. Thanks to Him!
That's good news! Wishing all the best for Baby Zoe!
Thank you so much!
i remember that day cheli when you told me about it! zoe's situation made us appreciate life more! your courage and bravery as well is an inspiration to every mom and soon to be moms!
Thank you @junebride for being with us esp. on our difficult times. I feel blessed that you were just one call away. ♥
hahaha.. one call away... hugs cheli!
Thank God! :)
Praise God for He is good!
Get well soon baby! God loves you!
I appreciate your kind words! ♥
Godd new sissy, just keep praying and everything will gonna be okay.
Yes. Hopefully by God's grace, things will work out for the best!