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RE: Make Room for Less 'Stuff'

in #life5 years ago

Love that George Carlin clip, he's a legend.

I’m not encouraging you to not buy anything, rather, consider whether you or somebody else has convinced you that buying these things will make you happy (hint: They probably won’t. Not for long anyway.)

I noticed that pattern a while ago: new stuff only gets you off for so long until you return to the baseline. So I became much thoughtful of what things should I really get.

Adds are so smart nowadays, because the understanding of human psyche is increasing all the time, and so the strategies to abuse the compulsive side of it have become more influential.


He most certainly is/was.

Ah man, for sure - the sooner you get a handle on this the better, otherwise you end up continually chasing it with new stuff. Consumerism™.

What I find concerning is this:

In 1983, companies spent $100 million marketing to kids. Today, they're spending nearly $17 billion annually.

This was from 2007...

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Yeah, consumerism is very unattractive to me, being a slave to never have enough is not a way to live life.

It's crazy how much young kids are getting exposed and taught into the consuming mentality.