Steemians what you are witnessing in this video is all three of my children at some very unexpected moments, at first I was just going to record driving with the top down on the highway for a friend because he hasn't gotten the chance to come joy riding with me yet, however after noticing Logan in the passenger seat dancing and singing it made me wonder wht could my daughters possibly be doing in the back seat.. So i must admit I pulled a creeper move and recorded it somewhat discreetly.. I usually don't pull these types of moves but what can i say some times people can be interesting why not attempt to catch them in the act?
We were on highway 270 merging onto highway 40/64 in Brentwood Missouri. Its a pretty nice area for the most part, the hghway as you could tell wasnt even packed today with that said it makes for a decent day to drive, I will admit prior to this car ride we were at a Go kart track that allowd kids 6 years an older an opportunity to drive the Go karts yhemselves instead of being forced to ride with an adult but when we got there they told Logan know because he was about a quarter inch to short from reaching the peddle comfortably. With that said Yes ladies and gentlemen he was upset so once they said that Rachel, Brooke and I stood with logan and we left. I was a bit aggravated but truthfully since it was due to safety I was understanding. Well steem I hope you all got a good laugh it was definitely funny. Thank you all for watching and ready take care.
Disclaimer The image I used in the header of my post can be found on uploaded by OchiDo. Special Thanks to All of you who took the time to view this post, stay safe everyone.
-) so interesting to see random momebnts of your life
you've opened a door to your life in such a way, and it's so sincere and kind of you
riding with a family is always so great! ADORE IT-)
I can not explain in a word.
nice looking.
You have a lot of awesome posts, but this is
by far one of your best ones man.
@masterfoo thank you for checking it out, hows your day been?
Hello my friend how are you? your moments with your children are unexpected and unique you are always attentive to take it all with your camera Logan hahahahahahaha very funny do not suspect that you record it
I could see one of your tattoos on your arm I also see your daughters on the back of the two very cute
I love watching every moment with your children I adore them
I appreciate your All posting well done and Resteemed your All posting
Ha ha, it's great to see that your boy is busy in his own world and he is enjoying with his mobile handset and this is amazing video but only one concern here and that is shooting while driving, but good to watch this video and in my opinion shed less car always reflect as awesome and while driving we can enjoy the full wind and in backseat it's reflecting as your daughters also having great time, i hope that you'll enjoyed this ride time.
Thanks for sharing this video with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂
This is so cool, I will always follow you
@mafi001 thank you I'll be on the look out for your comments. I hope all is going well
my cat

Funny picture